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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Stories for Younger Children
The Bird Bath

Megan has a birdbath in her back yard. A lot of birds come to the birdbath to have a sip of water or to wash their wings and tails. Red birds, black birds, yellow birds and blue birds come every day. Megan’s job is to fill up the birdbath with water once a week.

One day her pal, Jessie came over. “Can you play, Megan?”

Megan ran to the window and saw the birdbath. “I need to fill the bird bath with water, but I can do it when I get home.” She and Megan ran out to play. Megan did not come home all day long.

The yellow birds came to the birdbath for a drink, but there was no water in it. They sat on the edge of it and waited. The red birds came to the birdbath for a drink and sat next to the yellow birds. They waited and waited. Soon the black birds came for a drink from the birdbath, but there was still no water. The sun was out and the birds wanted a drink. Megan was too busy playing and forgot them. Later in the day a blue bird came for a drink. He saw the red birds, the yellow birds and the black birds. He sat next to them and waited.

When the sun went down, there was still no water in the birdbath. There was no drink of water for the birds and no bath for them to wash their wings and tails. All the birds left. They flew away to look for a pond. The blue bird stayed at the birdbath.

When it was dark out, Megan came home from playing. “Megan, did you fill the bird bath up with water?” her dad asked.

Megan felt very bad. She had not filled the birdbath. “I am sorry, Dad. I forgot to fill the bird bath.”

“The yellow birds came for a drink. There was no water. They sat there all day long. The red birds came for a drink. There was no water. They sat next to the yellow birds all day long. The black birds came too and then the blue bird. They all left,” her dad told her.

Megan ran to the window. She saw the blue bird sitting on the edge of the birdbath. “Dad, the blue bird is still there. I’ll fill up a bucket of water and take it to the bird bath.” Megan took the bucket to the birdbath and filled it up with water. The blue bird took a drink and washed his wings and tail.

When the sun came up the next day, the yellow birds, red birds and black birds came back to the birdbath. They saw the water and took a sip. They sang songs and washed their tails and wings. The blue bird came and took a sip. All the birds sang. They were happy. Megan was happy and she did not ever forget to fill the birdbath up!

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