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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Stories for Younger Children
Spring Is In the Air

Alan and Todd saw a butterfly. “It must be spring. I wonder when the trees will get leaves?” Todd looked at the tree. “I see buds on the tree. It really must be spring.”

Alan saw three yellow flowers. “Those are tulips. Tulips come out in spring, so it must be spring.”

They sat down on a rock and watched all the baby animals in the pasture. Todd said, “I see a lamb, and a calf, and a foal, and three puppies.”

“Well, I see four kittens, three lambs and a nest full of eggs,” Alan said.

Just then Carla sat down by them. “I love spring a lot too, but I like autumn even more. I love going for walks with my grandpa into the woods to see all the flowers. Some are red, some are orange and others are golden. They smell good too.”

“But the animals don’t have babies in autumn, only in spring,” Alan said.

“That’s true, but by autumn, the baby animals will be bigger and much more fun to play with.” Carla jumped off the rock. “I’ll see you both later.” She ran home.

“I don’t care what Carla says. I like spring the best.” Todd smiled at the lambs.

“Me too,” Alan said, smiling at the kittens and puppies. “Me too.”

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