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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Stories for Younger Children
What’s On The Train?

What’s On The Train?

Adam saw a train. It went ‘TOOT! TOOT!’ as it rolled down the tracks. Chug, chug, chug, went the train. “Mum, I see a train. I wonder what is in its cars? Do you think it’s a circus train with lions and tigers?”

Mum saw the train too. “I can hear it go chug, chug, chug. I don’t think it’s a circus train. I think it may carry coal or rocks.”

Adam didn’t think so. He wanted the train to have lions and tigers in it. “What if the train is going up the hill? Do you think it will go slow?”

“Most trains go slow when they go up a hill. On the way down the hill it goes very fast, even when it has rocks and coal in it,” Mom said.

“Does it go very fast when it has lions and tigers in it,” Adam asked.

“Yes. Trains go fast down hills no matter what is in it, even if it is empty.”

“What if the train has gold and jewels in it? Do you think it has?” Adam asked his mum.

“It may have gold in it. I don’t think it has jewels in it. Jewels cost a lot of money and do not belong on trains,” Mom said.

“I hope the train has gold and jewels and lions and tigers,” Adam giggled.

Just then the train went TOOT! TOOT! TOOT! and came to a stop. “Look, Adam. The train has come to a stop. Let’s go over there and see what’s in the cars.”

Mum and Adam went to the train. “I see a man in the front of the train. I see three men inside the train. This train has a lot of people in it. It doesn’t have gold, it doesn’t have jewels, and it doesn’t have lions, tigers, coal or rocks in it.” The train blew its whistle and moved down the tracks. “So long, train. Don’t go too fast when you go down the hill!” Adam said. He and his mum went back to their home. They heard the train whistle again and had a sausage roll and vanilla custard.

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