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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Stories for Younger Children
It’s Okay To Be Different

It’s Okay To Be Different

Jamie Bear liked the sunshine. He loved to go to the beach and play in the sand. Sometimes he built sandcastles. Sometimes he gathered seashells. Other times he threw his beach ball into the air and tried to catch it. The thing he liked to do the most though was to swim. He loved splashing in the water and floating about with his rubber ring around his waist. Jamie loved listening to the seagulls as they flew over the sea, trying to find fish.

It’s Okay To Be Different

Jamie’s best friend, Andy Bear, loved the rain. There was nothing he loved more than putting on his rain boots and raincoat and running through puddles of water. Sometimes he took his red umbrella outside and other times he let the rain fall on his furry head. He loved the way the raindrops smelled so fresh. When he heard the pitter-patter of rain on the window, he watched as they slid down the glass and dripped down to the ground below. Andy thought the gray clouds were pretty and laughed when he heard the thunder boom and saw the lightning flash.

"I don’t like the sun," Andy frowned. "It’s too hot and it makes me thirsty."

"I don’t like the rain," Jamie scowled. "My fur turns soggy and it makes me shiver."

Even though they were both so different, there was one thing neither of them liked, and that was snow. When the flakes started to fall from the sky, Andy and Jamie went into their cave and slept. They were happy they had lots of shaggy fur to keep them warm.

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