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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Winter Wonderland

Winter came in like a roaring bear. A storm lashed against the waves of the sea, throwing spray high into the air. The wind swept across the land with ferociousness, blowing loose objects around like feathers. Malcolm sat in the house, curled up in front of the fire. He heard the windows rattle and the sleet pound down on the top of the house. He listened to it drip from the rooftop onto the ground. He was very glad he was in the house where he was warm.

After a few hours the sun went down. The wind died and instead of sleet, the snow started to fall. The flakes were huge. All night long it came down. When Malcolm woke up the next morning, he went outside and found everything carpeted in white fluffy snow.

The sun was shining and the sky was blue, though it was too cold to melt anything.

The snow was deep and Malcolm had to leap, rather than run, as he went into the front garden. Fiona, the collie, Paddy, the Irish setter, and Jock, the poodle, were all outside playing in the snow. When they saw Malcolm, they came running into his front garden. They were much bigger dogs than Malcolm and didn’t have such a hard time running as he did. They ran around, chasing each other, romping through the deep snow.

Malcolm had big white chunks of frozen snow stuck to the bottom of his black fur. He found a small pile of snow that was shaped like a ball so he pushed it with his nose. When it got too big for him, Paddy took over. He rolled the ball around in the snow until it was too heavy to roll any further. Fiona and Jock made one too. They pushed them on top of each other and made a snowman. Jock ran home and tore a scarf off the wash line. He wrapped it around the snowman’s neck. Fiona snuck a pipe out of her house and stuck it into the snowman’s mouth. Paddy put rocks in its head for eyes and a nose. The four dogs ran around the snowman, playing and barking.

A tall tree grew to the side of the garden. It had snow piled up on it. Paddy grabbed hold of the branch and pulled it down to the ground. When he let it go, all the snow flew up into the air and floated down on top of the other dogs. He did this several times. Soon Jock, Fiona, and Malcolm were covered in snow. Paddy had to nudge them free. They chased him into the back garden, barking and yapping.

Angus MacScot watched the dogs playing. He got his camera and took photographs of them. He laughed when he saw Malcolm trying to run through the deep snow. Angus went into the kitchen and cut up a big piece of roast beef. He was saving it for dinner, but thought the dogs would enjoy it. He put it in four little dishes and took them out into the back garden. "Here, Malcolm," he called. Malcolm came running over, followed by the other three. They gobbled down the roast beef and went back to play in the snow.

That night Malcolm sat in front of the fire, warming himself. The snow that had stuck to his fur had melted all over the carpet but the heat from the fire had dried it up. He was thinking about the fun day he had with his friends. Just then Angus brought in the photographs that he’d taken earlier that day. He showed them to Malcolm. Malcolm barked happily as he looked at them. Angus put one or two down on the floor for Malcolm to have to look at that night. He stirred the fire, put on another log or two, gave Malcolm a pet and went to bed. Malcolm looked at the photos, sighed, and fell fast asleep.

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