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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis

It was the same thing every night. Marti and Mimsi, two plump mice waited until the moon sat high in the sky and hurried into farmer Jo's wheat field. They ate the grains hungrily, baring a stem in seconds.

Farmer Jo came out to check on his crop and found Marti and Mimsi nibbling away. He chased the out of the field. One day he'd had enough. He went to the pet store and bought a ginger cat. He picked the ginger cat so it would blend in with his wheat. Mimsi and Marti would not see it sneaking up on them. Farmer Jo called his cat Wheat, just for a joke,

The sun went down and a bright moon came out from behind the clouds. Farmer Jo let Wheat out and told him to catch some mice. Wheat ran into the field and hid. He heard noises and looked up. There sat Mimsi and Marti, eating the grains of wheat from the stalk.

The cat leaped at the mice, knocking them to the ground. He chased them out of the field.

Farmer Jo poured Wheat a bowl of milk. “Good cat. There'll be no more mouse in my wheat fields”

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