Sunday morning Patty dressed in her prettiest clothes and went to visit
her grandmother. She'd fix Patty tiny cakes and pastries and they'd eat
finger sandwiches filled with egg and chicken and cucumbers. Each time
Patty visited her grandmother, she gave Patty a new book. “Read as many
books as you can, Patty. You'll grow up to be a smart girl.” Patty would
rake the books home and read them over and over and over again.
loved to read poems about daffodils and sunflowers and babies with their
mamas. Her favorite book was Robert Louis Stevenson's, A Child's
Garden of Verses.
Patty and her grandmother would sit under a tree and
take turns reading poems and nibble on watercress sandwiches. They'd dip
stalks of rhubarb into sugar and sip lemonade.
One morning, as Patty was getting dressed to go and
visit her grandmother, she said to her mama, “I want to take grandmother
a gift. She always gives me books and pastries. Can I take something for
her today?”
Mama smiled. “I know just what would make her happy.”
Patty finished getting dressed. She put
on her yellow bloomers, her pink socks and black shoes, and her
prettiest pink dress with gold buttons. She grabbed her pink hat with
yellow flowers and carefully arranged it on her hair. Before she left
the room she grabbed her favorite books.
stood at the door waiting. “This is for your grandmother. She'll love
took the ceramic flower pot from her mother. A red tulip grew tall and
strong. “Thank you, Mama. I know she'll love it.” She took the flower to
her grandmother's house.
“I love
it, Patty! Thank you for the pretty red tulip.” Grandmother hugged her
and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
All day
they read stories and sipped ginger ale and then had a tea party with
Grandmother's dolls.
time Patty looked, she saw her grandmother gazing and the tulip and that
made her feel good inside.