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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
The Tricky Duck

Mama duck took her three ducklings to the pond to swim. Fluffy, Jaune, and Weber. Jaune and Fluffy stayed near their mama, always waddling along in front of her. They'd never been to the pond before and didn't want to get lost.

Weber, however, didn't mind his mama. He lagged behind, always hiding behind trees and stones. Sometimes his mama had to stop and look for him.

As they neared the pond, Weber waddled along far behind his mama and the others. “I think I'll hide behind that big tree up there. Hee hee. Mama will never find me there.”

Mama, Fluffy and Jaune went to the pond. “Mama, where's Weber?” Fluffy turned to look.

“He must be hiding again, Mama. Why does Weber always try to be tricky?” Jaune quacked.

“You two stay here. Don't go in the pond. I'm going to look for Weber. Mama will be right back.” Mama waddled off.

Jaune and Fluffy looked at the pond. They saw a frog hopping about in the reeds. They saw fish swimming under the water and other birds flying in to have a drink. A gust of wind blew. Since the ducklings were so light and fluffy, the wind picked them up and carried them into the pond.

“Help, Mama! Help us!” Fluffy bobbed up and down on the water.

Jaune's beak went underneath.

Mama came running back. She saw her two ducklings and swam over to them. She picked them up with her beak and swam back to shore. “I thought I told you to stay out of the water?”

“But Mama, the wind blew us in there,” Jaune said.

“We nearly drowned, Mama.” Fluffy hugged her mama's leg.

Just then Weber came running up. “I had and you couldn't find me. Ha ha ha.”

“Weber, because of you, your brother and sister nearly drowned. The wind blew them into the water and I wasn't there to help them. You're a naughty duck and this tricky behavior of yours has to stop.” Mama scolded her duckling.

Weber glanced at his dripping brother and sister. He saw how frightened Fluffy looked and saw a tear in Jaune's eye. “I'm sorry. I didn't know. I was trying to have fun.” He held his beak down in shame.

“It's all right to have fun, Weber, but not when Mama is trying to teach you things that can save your life. Now come on. We're all going into the pond.”

She nudged them all into the water. “Keep paddling your feet and keep your head up.”

All three duckling learned to swim with no problem. They just needed their mama to be there and help them. Weber kept doing tricky things and hid, but never when they were with Mama, trying to learn important things.

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