Shalamar is a tiny town that sits at the bottom of a hill facing the
sea. The houses are all different shapes and sizes and are squeezed
together behind a wall that protects it from the storms and large waves.

and Manon live in Shalamar. Their house sits right in the middle. It has
a brown tin roof, a red door and two windows on the side. It also has a
chimney. Every day Manon goes to work as a fisherman. He has his own
boat and catches shrimp, oysters, cod, haddock and plaice. Lili spends
her days going to the shops to buy fresh fruits and vegetables and
morning Lili kissed Manon goodbye and stood at the door watching his
boat sail out of the harbor. She blew him a kiss and waved, knowing he
couldn't possibly see her. It was a tradition, something she did every
day. Somehow Manon knew. Lili put on her coat, as it was rather windy
that day, and headed to the bakery. A gust blew from the sea and her hat
went flying down the street. She chased it for a few minutes but the
wind whipped it high into the sky and it disappeared. Lili simply
shrugged her shoulders and went into the bakery.
aroma of roasted almonds and vanilla icing mingled with chocolate cake
and hot loaves of rye and pumpernickel breads. She bought a loaf of rye
and two vanilla cakes with cherry filling and layers of flaky pastry, so
she and Manon could have them after supper.
had promised her a bucket of fresh shrimp. She bought some carrots and
broccoli at the grocers and then picked up a bottle of creamy milk to
drink. She hurried home, noticing the sky growing darker with storm
sooner had she shut the front door behind her when a gale blew in,
throwing the waves high against the sea wall. Lili thought about Manon
out in his boat. Surely he was being tossed about like a cork.
All day
long the gale raged. Manon' s boat didn't come back to the harbor when
it should have. Some of the townspeople walked down to Lili's house to
keep her company while they waited.
storm lasted all night. Lili put the vanilla cakes in the cupboard and
the carrots and broccoli into the pantry. She was too worried about
Manon to eat and she could hardly sleep.
the sun's rays shone through her window in the morning, Lili knew the
storm was over. Seagulls flew through the air, screeching. They knew
when the fishing boats were due to come in. Lili put her coat on and
tied a scarf around her neck. She walked down to the harbor and stood at
the wall, watching for Manon's boat to come in. An hour later she saw
it. Her heart leapt with joy. Manon was safe. He tied to boat to the
dock and climbed out of it, carrying a bucket.
night Lili fixed the shrimp Manon had brought back. She washed his
clothes and cooked carrots and broccoli for him. They feasted on rye
bread and vanilla cakes with cherries and flaky pastry. They sipped milk
in front of the fire. Lili glanced at Manon. He looked up at her and
winked and then smiled.
All was
quiet once again in Shalamar. The fishermen were home safe, the storm
had passed and life went back to normal in the quiet little town by the