Alison looked at
her broom. “I suppose I have to fly around tonight, like I'm supposed to
do. Who decided that witches had to fly around at night on their brooms?”
She sighed. “The moon is out. Time to go, but I'd much rather sit in front
of the fire and eat chocolate.”
She picked up her
broom and slipped it between her legs. “Magic broom, the moon is bright.
Magic broom we must go out tonight.” With that the broom shook from side
to side and flew out of the window, with Alison holding on.
The witch zoomed
back and forth across the moon, being careful not to bump into the other
witches who were out doing the same thing. She saw her friend, Diane.
“Diane, why do we have to do this every night? Who made up this rule that
witches have to fly around at night cackling and snarling?”
Diane rode her
broom along side of Alison. “It's fun. I love doing this. I died my hair a
darker shade of purple today just for this occasion. You look like you
need a touch up. Your skin is so pale. It hardly looks green at all. If
you ask me, Alison, you're not much of a witch.” Diane sneered and flew
toward the moon. Her cackles echoed across the midnight sky.
Alison sighed
again. “Diane and the others might like this, but I don't. I'm going
home.” She flew down to her cottage and put the broom down. “I am tired of
flying.” She leaned against the broom, crossed her arms and watched a
snake slither by. “I'm going inside to sit in front of the fire and eat
two pieces of chocolate.” She leaned the broom against the door and went
inside. After taking off her boots and pointed hat, she threw some fire
powder into the fireplace. Hot flames burst forth, warming the chilled
house. She rummaged through her cupboards. “I've got bat's toes, lizard
tongues, mushroom caps and spider legs, but no chocolate.”
A heavy book sat
on the table. Alison glanced at it. “My Magic Spell Book.” She turned the
pages. “There must be a spell to conjure up chocolate.” She looked at one
page after another. “No spells for chocolate, but there is one for cheese.
I like cheese. Let's see what it says. 'Fly on your magic broom to the
moon. It is made of cheese!' The moon is made of cheese?” Alison went to
the window and peered out. She could see all the other witches flying
about. “I wonder.”
She put on her
hat, her boots and grabbed her broom. “Magic broom, the moon is bright.
Magic broom, we must go out tonight.” Without hesitation, the broom
whizzed out the window, heading straight for the moon.
When Alison came
closer to the other witches, she saw big chunks of cheese in their hands.
“So that's why we fly across the moon every night. Witches like cheese and
the moon is made of cheese. Now it all makes sense.” Alison flew right up
to the moon. She picked up a chunk of cheese and gobbled it down. “This is
good stuff. I like moon cheese.” All of a sudden Alison wanted to fly
every night. She wanted cheese, like all the other witches.
Never again did
Alison stay home and nibble chocolate and sit in front of the fire. As
soon as the moon came up, she was on her broom, heading for the moon! |