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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
George Learns To Swim

George Learns To Swim

"Mummy, will you teach me to swim today?" George asked. "I’m old enough now."

His mum smiled, "George, you’re just a wee tortoise. You’ve got so much to learn, but I supposed it won’t hurt to go down to the pond and have a wee swim."

"Thanks, Mummy," George said and followed her to the water.

"All right, George, jump in," she said.

"Just jump in? I’ll drown," George frowned. He was feeling a wee bit frightened.

"You’ll not drown. Your shell will keep you afloat."

George put his leg in the water. "It’s cold, Mummy."

"Jump in!"

George leapt into the water. It went over his face and he started to cough. "I’m going to drown, Mummy. Help!" he cried.

"Roll over onto your back. Your shell well stop you from sinking," she called.

George rolled over and floated. "Hey! This is fun," he realized. He floated all over the pond, among the flowers and reeds and fish.

"Now, George, roll onto your tummy and use your legs to swim about."

George slowly rolled over. Water gushed all over his face, but he didn’t worry because he knew his shell would keep him afloat. He started using his legs to swim about the pond. "I’m doing it, Mummy. I’m swimming!" He was delighted. "I can swim! I can swim!"

Every day from then on George and his mum went to the pond for a swim.

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