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Tryamon slipped
her hand into her fathers and squeezed. “Where are we going, Daddy?”
Maldue glanced
down at his daughter. “Today is a special day. Today is 'Tryamon can
have anything she wants from the sweetie shop day'.”
“The sweetie
shop? I can have whatever I want? Oh, Daddy.” Using her free hand, she
hugged his leg.
They walked in
silence, passing the butcher shop, the fishmonger, and the newspaper
stand. When they walked by the bakery, Maldue said, “Perhaps you'd
rather go into the bakery today?” He took a deep breath. “I smell
rhubarb crumble, rock cakes, treacle tarts, chocolate cakes with
chocolate buttercream icing, raisin scones, vanilla cakes with cherries,
potato scones...”
“Stop it, Daddy.
You're making me hungry. Daddy, sing me the Jeely Piece Song.” Tryamon
looked up into his moss green eyes.
“The Jeely Piece
Song? I've not sang that for years. Let's see if I can remember how it
Oh ye cannae
fling pieces oot a twenty story flat,
700 hungry weans will testify tae that.
If it's butter, cheese, or jeely, if the breed be plain or pan,
The odds of it reaching earth are 99 to wan.”
Tryamon held her
tummy while she laughed. “I love that song, Daddy.”
“I've gone and
proper embarrassed myself now, lass. Mrs. McGregor thinks I'm off ma
heed.” Maldue took Tryamon's hand. “We're off to the sweetie shop. I
can't show my face inside the bakery now.”
“You're silly,
Daddy.” Tryamon skipped as they headed down the road. “Daddy, tell me
again while you called me Tryamon.”
“Why we called
you that? When I was born and my father named me, he was a professor at
the University. He studied J.R. Tolkein and other fantasy writers.
Fantasy was always on his mind. He selected my name, Maldue, because it
means wizard. I suppose the reason I named you Tryamon is because when I
first saw those pretty blue eyes, I thought of a fairy and pictured you
with gossamer wings, flying into my life.”
“I like that
story. Here we are at Arthur's Sweetie Shop. He's got a hundred
jars filled with all sorts of sweeties. I'm going to have fun picking
out different ones. Do I have to get them all in one bag, or can I get a
lot of different bags? The bags are colorful.” Tryamon walked in after
her father opened the door.
“It smells
lovely in here too.” Maldue sniffed the air. “Go on now. Pick out
whatever you want.”
Tryamon marched
up to the counter. “Arthur, my daddy said I could have any sweeties I
wanted. I want them all in different bags.”
Arthur leaned
over to see the brown-haired girl. “Oh, he did, did he? What's the
special occasion? Is it your birthday?
“No,” Tryamon
chuckled. “It's 'Tryamon can have anything she wants from the sweetie
shop day'.”
“That's very
kind of your dad. What will it be then, lass?” Arthur picked up a scoop
and a dozen bags.
Tryamon's gaze
wandered from jar to jar. “I think I'll start with some Licorice
Allsorts. Don't put in any of those icky ones covered with tiny beads.
You know, the pink and blue ones. I don't like them.”
Arthur picked
one out of the scoop. “You mean these?”
“Yes, those. I
don't want any of them.” Tryamon watched as Arthur filled one of the
bags. “Next I want to have some humbugs, marzipan fruits, toffees,
lollipops, and sugar plums.”
“Slow down,
Tryamon. You'll confuse Arthur.” Her father shook his head back and
Tryamon looked
at each jar. “I never knew there were so many colors of sweeties.”
“You could say
there is a menagerie of sweeties in my shop,” Arthur said. “I like to
have a variety to choose from.” He filled up bags with brown humbugs,
assorted marzipans, foil-wrapped toffees, sugar-dusted lollipops and
snowcaps. “There. I think I got them all. Will there be anything else,
“I missed the
sweeties on the top shelf.” She gazed up at the taller jars. “I want a
bag of Edinburgh Rock bites, not the sticks, some sherbet fountains,
fruit gums, turkish delight and chocolate buttons.”
“You're teeth
will rot. I hope you aren't planning to eat this all at one time.”
Arthur pulled the jars off the shelf and filled the bags. “There. Here
is everything you've asked for. I'll put all these wee bags into a
bigger bag with handles.”
Tryamon took the
bag and she and her father left the shop. “You're not going to eat all
of that, are you?”
“Daddy, not all
at once. I'm going to have a tea party and invite Maggie, Emma and Fiona
over. Mum can fix us tea and instead of having tea cakes and tarts with
kiwi, we'll have sweeties.”
“You're going to
share. Very good, Tryamon.” Maldue roared with laughter as they ran
across the street. He stopped to buy a bouquet of fresh flowers for his
wife, Anne.
“Mum will like
those. Pink carnations are her favorite. What was that big word Arthur
used?” Tryamon squinted as she faced the afternoon sun.
“Yes, mangree.
That means lots of different sorts of sweeties, doesn't it, Daddy?”
“My sweet fairy,
you're more an angel than anything else. Come on. Let's hurry home.
Mum's cooking your favorite supper tonight, eggs, beans and chips.”
Maldue picked his daughter up, held her in his arms, embracing her with
love. “I love you, Tryamon.”
“I love you too,
Daddy. This is the best 'Tryamon can have anything she wants from the
sweetie shop day' that I've ever had.”
Father and
daughter strolled towards home as the sky flared with sunset reds,
oranges, pinks, purples and blues.