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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Stone Soup

Once upon a time there was a dragon that lived in a dark cave. He wanted to make some soup, but all he had in his cave was water. It went drip, drop, drip, drop all day long. "I know! I'll take a pot of water down the hill and then I"ll be able to make some soup." So the dragon took his black pot and put water in it and flew down the hill. He lit a fire with wood and soon the water boiled.

A flock of blue birds flew past. They saw the black pot. One of them said, "Are you making soup? We are hungry. Can we have some?"

The dragon said, "You can each have some if you bring something to put in it."

The birds flew off. One came back with a snake in its beak and put it in the pot of water.

One bird had a spider in its beak and put it in the pot. Soon all the birds came back with carrots, mushrooms, a lizard, a frog, a honeycomb and  duck egg. They put them all in the pot.

The dragon made the fire grow and the soup boiled. It smelled good. When it was done he gave all the blue birds a bowl of soup and he hate the rest, snake and all. "This is the best stone soup I've ever had," the dragon said.

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