One morning
Bridget woke up to find a potted plant on her window ledge. She'd never
seen anything like it before. The leaves were green and fuzzy and curly
green things poked out from the stem. “This is pretty. I wonder where it
came from and what it's called.”
Her mom and dad
assured her they'd not left it there and neither of them had ever seen
such a plant before.
Bridget noticed
that the plant went to sleep during the day and when the moon and stars
came out at night that the leaves opened up and stretched, like they
were reaching for the heavens. “What an unusual plant.” She watered it
each night and left the curtains open so it could get plenty of
One morning she
found red berries growing on the plant. Each big red berry had a golden
star or moon on it. “Wow! Star berries! Moon berries!” When she touched
one it felt hard, like stone. “I wonder if they're rubies?”
More berries
popped up each night and soon there were so many that the plant nearly
tipped over. Bridget left them alone. She knew there was something
special about this plant.
Something woke
her up in the middle of the night. She rolled over on her side and saw a
tiny pink fairy near the plant. Bridget gasped. “A fairy?” She climbed
out of bed and went closer to see what the fairy was doing. “Hello
little fairy.”
The tiny
creature jumped in surprise.
“I hope I didn't
scare you. Did you bring me the star berry plant?” Bridget smiled,
hoping the fairy would see that she meant her no harm.
“Yes, it was
me.” A soft voice floated upward. “My name is Celestine. I've come to
gather the star berries and the moon berries. You see, they only grow
when someone full of love and kindness takes care of them. I knew you
were that person.”
“Thank you.
There's a lot of berries. How will you carry them?” Bridget counted the
“I'm going to
string them together and carry them that way. Will you help me?”
Celestine pushed a needle and thread threw each hard berry. The little
golden moons and stars glowed. Once they were all strung, she giggled.
“I'm not a fairy. I'm an angel and these star berries are for the baby
“An angel?”
Bridget's eyes widened with surprise.
“Every night I
want you to look at the stars and keep the curtains wide open. I'll be
back again soon to gather the ones that will soon grow. Will you take
care of the plant and water it and give it lots of love?” Celestine
flapped her wings.
“Oh yes. I hope
the baby angels like the berries.” Bridget watched as Celestine flew out
the window, the string of star berries dragging behind her in the air.
Millions of stars twinkled in the sky. Bridget climbed into bed, gazing
at the plant.. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.