Miss Barton and her Kindergarten class stood
in a meadow of wildflowers. Class, I want each of you to go and find
something colorful. You can pick any flower you want, or you can look
for something else. When you hear me blow the whistle, bring whatever
you've found with you and come back right here to this spot. I'll be
waiting for you.
Twenty excited children ran off in all
directions. Giggles, chortles and chuckles echoed through the tall
bramble hedges.
Several of the children picked the first
flower they saw and returned to their teacher.
down and wait. Find a soft spot in the grass. Miss Barton's gaze went
from one child to the other, quickly examining their finds. Ten minutes
later all but two of the children returned. She blew the whistle. Who's
still missing?
The class looked at each other. Alexander
raised his hand. Nicholas and Jessie aren't here yet.
Sebastian raised his hand. Miss Barton! I
saw Nicholas chasing a bluebird.
anyone seen Jessie?
The children shook their heads back and
She blew the whistle again. A few moments
later Nicholas came running out from a patch of shimmering aspen trees.
He held a tiny bird in his hand.
we're waiting for Jessie, why don't you take turns coming up and showing
the rest of the class what you found. Nicholas, since you're already
standing, please tell us what you've got in your hand. Miss Barton
urged the boy closer.
He opened his hands enough for the bird to
poke its blue head out. I found this bluebird. I can't open my hand all
the way or it will fly off.
very exquisite. Class, do you see the shade of blue?
looks like he's holding the ocean in his hand, Gilian shouted.
think it looks like a Smurf! The entire class laughed when Andrew
don't you open your hand and let the bird go. It's not good for it to be
trapped for long. Miss Barton watched as Nicholas freed the bird. Who
wants to be next.
While the class showed each other different
flowers in shades of pink, mauve, orange, lavender and ochre, Miss
Barton scanned the meadow for signs of Jessie. A wave of relief flowed
through her when she saw the chestnut haired girl running towards the
Jessie sat down next to the others, her
hands cupped.
After the last of the children had shown
their flower petals, Miss Barton invited Jessie up. I think Jessie has
something special in her hands. See how she holds them cupped together.
Jessie, what have you go in there?
When she opened her fingers a gossamer
winged butterfly fluttered around her face. Its multi-colored wings
flapped up and down. When it landed on top of Jessie's head, once again
the class roared with laughter.
Miss Barton said, why did you pick this butterfly. Tell us about it.
Jessie held out the palm of her hand and the
insect landed, open winged. My grandma used to have a butterfly garden.
Every year she planted purple cornflowers, black-eyed Susan, goldenrod
and sunflowers. She and I used to sit outside under the weeping willow
tree and watch butterflies.
wonderful, Jessie. I'm sure you saw a lot of different types. Do you
still go to visit your grandma? Miss Barton squatted next to the girl.
A lip turned up in a quiver. Fighting tears,
Jessie answered, My grandma died this summer. She was lying in her
flower garden, next to the roses. My mom said that a butterfly fluttered
around my grandma's head, like it was sad that she died.
Miss Barton breathed deeply, trying to
gather her composure. Why Jessie, that's amazing.
grandma used to tell me that butterfly wings are nature's stained glass
window. One time she took me to the cathedral and showed me a real
stained glass window. She was right. Today I looked all over the meadow
and I found some wild roses. This butterfly flew over to me. I think it
knew my grandma.
A tear trickled down Miss Barton's cheek.
She stood and took Jessie's hand. Look class. Jessie's brought us a
special butterfly. Its wings are iridescent. That means that you can see
a different color standing over there, than I can see from where I
stand. Come and see.
The class stood and moved closer, gathering
in a circle around Jessie and Miss Barton. The butterfly fluttered from
one child's hand to another and then flew away, leaving the meadow
Tell Grandma that I miss her. Jessie called the butterfly and waved.
On the drive back to school Miss Barton
couldn't say a word. The entire bus was unusually quite.
When the passed the Norman church on the
corner, Alexander blurted out, There's a stained glass window and it
looks just like the butterfly wings.
Soon all the children on the bus plastered
their faces against the dirty windows, hoping for a glance at the
When it was time to go home, Miss Barton
watched Jessie leave. A smile spread across the little girl's face.
Somehow the appearance of one butterfly had changed the lives of every
person in the meadow that day, especially hers.