THERE was at some time or
other before now a widow, and she had one son. She gave him good
schooling, and she was wishful that he should choose a trade for himself;
but he said he would not go to learn any art, but that he would be a
His mother said to him:
"If that is the art that thou art going to choose for thine ownself,
thine end is to be hanged at the bridge of Baile Cliabh, [Dublin] in
But it was no matter, he
would not go to any art, but to be a thief; and his mother was always
making a prophecy to him that the end of him would be, hanging at the
Bridge of Baile Cliabh, in Eirinn.
On a day of the days, the widow was going to the church
to hear the sermon, and was asking the Shifty Lad, her son, to go with
her, and that he should give over his bad courses; but he would not go
with her; but he said to her:
"The first art of which thou hearest mention,
after thou hast come out of the sermon, is the art to which I will go
She went to the church full of good courage, hoping
that she would hear some good thing.
He went away, and he went to a tuft of wood that was
near to the church; and he went in hiding in a place where he could see
his mother when she should come out of the church; and as soon as she came
out he shouted, "Thievery! thievery! thievery!" She looked
about, but she could not make out whence the voice was coming, and she
went home. He ran by the way of the short cut, and he was at the house
before her, and he was seated within beside the fire when she came home.
He asked her what tale she had got; and she said that she had not got any
tale at all, but that "thievery, thievery, thievery, was the first
speech she heard when she came out of the church."
He said "That was the art that he would
And she said, as she was accustomed to say:
ending is to be hanged at the bridge of Baile Cliabh, in Eirinn."
On the next day, his mother herself thought that, as
nothing at all would do for her son but that he should be a thief, she
would try to find him a good aid-to-learning; and she went to the black
gallows bird of Aachaloinne, a very cunning thief who was in that place;
and though they had knowledge that he was given to stealing, they were not
finding any way for catching him. The widow asked the Black Rogue if he
would take her son to teach him roguery.
The Black Rogue said, "If he were a clever lad
that he would take him, and if there were a way of making a thief of him
that he could do it;" and a covenant was made between the Black
Rogue and the Shifty Lad.
When the Shifty Lad, the widow’s son, was making
ready for going to the Black Rogue, his mother was giving him counsel,
and she said to him: "It is against my will that thou art going to
thievery; and I was telling thee, that the end of thee is to be hanged
at the bridge of Baile Cliabh, Eirinn;" but the Shifty Lad went
home to the Black Rogue.
The Black Rogue was giving the Shifty Lad every
knowledge he might for doing thievery; he used to tell him about the
cunning things that he must do, to get a chance to steal a thing; and
when the Black Rogue thought that the Shifty Lad was good enough at
learning to be taken out with him, he used to take him out with him to
do stealing; and on a day of these days the Black Rogue said to his lad:—
"We are long enough thus, we must go and do something. There is a
rich tenant near to us, and he has much money in his chest. It was he who
bought all that there was of cattle to be sold in the country, and he
took them to the fair, and he sold them; he has got the money in his
chest, and this is the time to be at him, before the people are paid for
their lot of cattle; and unless we go to seek the money at this very
hour, when it is gathered together, we shall not get the same chance
The Shifty Lad was as
willing as himself; they went away to the house, they got in at the
coming on of the night, and they went up upon the loft, and they went
in hiding up there; and it was the night of SAMHAIN (Halloween); and there
assembled many people within to keep the Savain hearty as they used to do.
They sat together, and they were singing songs, and at fun burning the
nuts, and at merry-making.
The Shifty Lad was wearying
that the company was not scattering; he got up and he went down to the
byre, and he loosed the bands off the necks of the cattle, and he returned
and he went up upon the loft again. The cattle began goring each other in
the byre, and roaring. All that were in the room ran to keep the cattle
from each other till they could be tied again; and in the time while they
were doing this, the Shifty Lad went down to the room and he stole the
nuts with him, and he went up upon the loft again, and he lay down at the
back of the Black Rogue.
There was a great leathern
hide at the back of the Black Rogue, and the Shifty Lad had a needle and
thread, and he sewed the skirt of the Black Rogue’s coat to the leathern
hide that was at his back; and when the people of the house came back to
the dwelling-room again, their nuts were away; and they were seeking their
nuts; and they thought that it was some one who had come in to play them a
trick that had taken away their nuts, and they sat down at the side of the
fire quietly and silently.
Said the Shifty Lad to the
Black Rogue, "I will crack a nut."
"Thou shalt not crack
one," said the Black Rogue; "they will hear thee, and we shall
be caught."
Said the Shifty Lad,
"I never yet was a Savain night without cracking a nut," and he
cracked one.
Those who were seated in
the dwelling-room heard him, and they said—
"There is some one up
on the loft cracking our nuts; we will go and catch them."
When the Black Rogue heard
that, he sprang off the loft and he ran out, and the hide dragging at the
tail of his coat. Every one of them shouted that there was the Black Rogue
stealing the hide with him. The Black Rogue fled, and the people of the
house after him; and he was a great distance from the house before he got
the hide torn from him, and was able to leave them. But in the time that
the people of the house were running after the Black Rogue, the Shifty Lad
came down off the loft; he went up about the house, he hit upon the chest
where the gold and the silver was; he opened the chest, and he took out of
it the bags in which the gold and silver was, that was in the chest; and
he took with him a load of the bread, and of the butter, and of the
cheese, and of everything that was better than another which he found
within; and he was gone before the people of the house came back from
chasing the Black Rogue.
When the Black Rogue
reached his home, and he had nothing, his wife said to him, "How hast
thou failed this journey?"
Then the Black Rogue told
his own tale; and he was in great fury at the Shifty Lad, and swearing
that he would serve him out when he got a chance at him.
At the end of a little
while after that, the Shifty Lad came in with a load upon him.
Said the wife of the Black
Rogue, "But I fancy that thou art the better thief!"
The Black Rogue said not a
word till the Shifty Lad showed the bags that he had full of gold and
silver; then said the Black Rogue, "But it is thou that wert the
smart lad!"
They made two halves of the gold and silver, and the
Black Rogue got the one half, and the Shifty Lad the other half. When the
Black Rogue’s wife saw the share that came to them, she said, "Thou
thyself art the worthy thief!" and she had more respect for him after
that than she had for the Black Rogue himself.
The Black Rogue and the Shifty Lad went on stealing
till they had got much money, and they thought that they had better buy a
drove of cattle, and go to the fair with it to sell, and that people would
think that it was at drovering they had made the money that they had got.
The two went, and they bought a great drove of cattle, and they went to a
fair that was far on the way from them. They sold the drove, and they got
the money for them, and they went away to go home. When they were on the
way, they saw a gallows on the top of a hill, and the Shifty Lad said to
the Black Rogue, "Come up till we see the gallows; some say that the
gallows is the end for the thieves at all events."
They went up where the gallows was, and they were
looking all about it. Said the Shifty Lad, "Might we not try what
kind of death is in the gallows, that we may know what is before us, if we
should be caught at roguery. I will try it myself
The Shifty Lad put the cord about his own neck, and he
said to the Black Rogue, "Here, draw me up, and when I am fired above
I will shake my legs, and then do thou let me down."
The Black Rogue drew the cord, and he raised the Shifty
Lad aloft off the earth, and at the end of a little blink the Shifty Lad shook his legs, and the Black
Rogue let him down.
The Shifty Lad took the cord off his neck, and he
said to the Black Rogue, "Thou thyself hast not ever tried anything
that is so funny as hanging. If thou wouldst try once, thou wouldst
have no more fear for hanging. I was shaking my legs for delight, and
thou wouldst shake thy legs for delight too if thou wert aloft"
Said the Black Rogue, "I will try it too, so
that I may know what it is like."
"Do," said the Shifty Lad; "and when
thou art tired above, whistle and I will let thee down."
The Black Rogue put the cord about his neck, and the
Shifty Lad drew him up aloft; and when the Shifty Lad found that the
Black Rogue was aloft against the gallows, he said to him, "Now,
when thou wantest to come down, whistle, and if thou art well pleased
where thou art, shake thy legs."
When the Black Rogue was a little blink above, be
began to shake his legs and to kick; and the Shifty Lad would say, "Oh! art thou not funny! art thou not
funny! art thou not funny! When it seems to thee that thou art long
enough above, whistle."
But the Black Rogue has not whistled yet. The Shifty
Lad tied the cord to the lower end of the tree of the gallows till the
Black Rogue was dead; then he went where he was, and he took the money
out of his pouch, and he said to him, "Now, since thou hast no
longer any use for this money, I will take care of it for thee."
And he went away, and he left the Black Rogue hanging there. Then he
went home where was the house of the Black Rogue, and his wife asked
where was his master?
The Shifty Lad said,
"I left him where he was, upraised above the earth."
The wife of the Black Rogue
asked and asked him about her man, till at last he told her; but he said
to her, that he would marry her himself. When she heard that, she cried
that the Shifty Lad had killed his master, and he was nothing but a thief.
When the Shifty Lad heard that he fled. The chase was set after him; but
he found means to go in hiding in a cave, and the chase went past him. He
was in the cave all night, and the next day he went another way, and he
found means to fly to Eirinn.
He reached the house of a
wright, and he cried at the door, "Let me in."
"Who art thou?"
said the wright.
"I am a good wright,
if thou hast need of such," said the Shifty Lad.
The wright opened the door,
and he let in the Shifty Lad, and the Shifty Lad began to work at
carpentering along with the wright.
When the Shifty Lad was a
day or two in their house, he gave a glance thither and a glance hither
about the house, and he said, "O choin! what a poor house you have,
and the king’s store-house so near you."
"What of that?"
said the wright.
"It is," said the
Shifty Lad, "that you might get plenty from the king’s store-house
if you yourselves were smart enough."
The wright and his wife
would say, "They would put us in prison if we should begin at the
like of that."
The Shifty Lad was always
saying that they ought to break into the king’s store-house, and they
would find plenty in it; but the wright would not go with him; but the
Shifty Lad took with him some of the tools of the wright, and he went
himself and he broke into the king’s storehouse, and he took with him a
load of the butter and of the cheese of the king, and he took it to the
house of the wright. The things pleased the wife of the wright well, and
she was willing that her own husband should go there the next night. The
wright himself went with his lad the next night, and they got into the
store-house of the king, and they took with them great loads of each thing
that pleased them best of all that was within in the king’s store-house.
But the king’s people
missed the butter and the cheese and the other things that had been taken
out of the store-house, and they told the king how it had happened.
The king took the counsel
of the Seanagal about the best way of catching the thieves, and the
counsel that the Seanagal gave them was that they should set a hogshead of
soft pitch under the hole where they were coming in. That was done and the
next night the Shifty Lad and his master went to break into the king’s
The Shifty Lad put his
master in before him, and the master went down into the soft pitch to his
very middle, and he could not get out again. The Shifty Lad went down, and
he put a foot on each of his master’s shoulders, and he put out two
loads of the king’s butter and of the cheese at the hole; and at the
last time when he was coming out, he swept the head off his master, and he
took the head with him, and he left the trunk in the hogshead of pitch,
and he went home with the butter and with the cheese, and he took home the
head, and he buried it in the garden.
When the king’s people
went into the store-house, they found a body without a head into the
hogshead of pitch; but they could not make out who it was. They tried if
they could find any one at all that could know him by the clothes, but his
clothes were covered with pitch so that they could not make him out The
king asked the counsel of the Seanagal about it; and the counsel that the
Seanagal gave was, that they should set the trunk aloft on the points of
the spears of the soldiers, to be carried from town to town, to see if
they could find any one at all that would take sorrow for it; or to try if
they could hear any one that would make a painful cry when they should see
it; or if they should not see one that should seem about to make a painful
cry when the soldiers should be going past with it. The body was taken out
of the hogshead of pitch, and set on the points of the spears; and the
soldiers were bearing it aloft on the points of their long wooden spears,
and they were going from town to town with it; and when they were going
past the house of the wright, the wright’s wife made a tortured scream,
and swift the Shifty Lad cut himself with the adze; and he kept saying to
the wright’s wife, "The cut is not as bad as thou thinkest."
The commander-in-chief, and
his lot of soldiers, came in and they asked, "What ailed the
Said the Shifty Lad,
"It is that I have just cut my foot with the ache, and she is afraid
of blood;" and he would say to the wife of the wright, "Do not
be so much afraid; it will heal sooner than thou thinkest"
The soldiers thought that
the Shifty Lad was the wright, and that the wife whom they had seen was
the wife of the Shifty Lad; and they went out, and they went from town to
town; but they found no one besides, but the wife of the wright herself,
that made cry or scream when they were coming past her.
They took the body home to
the king’s house; and the king took another counsel from his Seanagal,
and that was to hang the body to a tree in an open place, and soldiers to
watch it that none should take it away, and the soldiers to be looking if
any should come the way that should take pity or grief for it.
The Shifty Lad came past
them, and he saw them; he went and he got a horse, and he put a keg of
whisky on each side of the horse in a sack, and he went past the soldiers
with it, as though he were hiding from them. The soldiers thought that it
was so, or that he had taken something which he ought not to have; and
some of them ran after him, and they caught the old horse and the whisky;
but the Shifty Lad fled, and he left the horse and the whisky with them.
The soldiers took the horse and the kegs of whisky back to where the body
was hanging against the mast They looked what was in the kegs; and when
they understood that it was whisky that was in them, they got a drinking
cup, and they began drinking until at last every one of them was drunk,
and they lay and they slept. When the Shifty Lad saw that, that the
soldiers were laid down and asleep and drunk, he returned and took the
body off the mast. He set it crosswise on the horse’s back, and he took
it home; then he went and he buried the body in the garden where the head
When the soldiers awoke out
of their sleep, the body was stolen away; they had nothing for it but to
go and tell it to the king. Then the king took the counsel of the Seanagal;
and the Seanagal said to them, all that were in his presence, that his
counsel to them was, to take out a great black pig that was there, and
that they should go with her from town to town; and when they should come
to any place where the body was buried, that she would root it up. They
went and they got the black pig, and they were going from farm to farm
with her, trying if they could find out where the body was buried. They
went from house to house with her, till at last they came to the house
where the Shifty Lad and the wright’s widow were dwelling. When they
arrived they let the pig loose about the grounds. The Shifty Lad said that
he himself was sure that thirst and hunger was on them; that they had
better go into the house, and that they should get meat and drink; and
that they should let their weariness from off them, in the time when the
pig should be seeking about his place.
They went in, and the
Shifty Lad, asked the wright’s widow that she should set meat and drink
before the men. The widow of the wright set meat and drink on the board,
and she set it before them; and in the time while they were eating their
meat, the Shifty Lad went out to see after the pig; and the pig had just
hit upon the body in the garden; and the Shifty Lad went and he got a
great knife and he cut the head off her, and he buried herself and her
head beside the body of the wright in the garden.
When those who had the care
of the pig came out, the pig was not to be seen. They asked the Shifty Lad
if he had seen her; he said that he had seen her, that her head was up and
she was looking upwards, and going two or three steps now and again; and
they went with great haste to the side where the Shifty Lad said the pig
had gone.
When the Shifty Lad found
that they had gone out of sight, he set everything in such a way that they
should not hit upon the pig. They on whom the care of the pig was laid
went and they sought her every way that it was likely she might be. Then
when they could not find her, they had nothing for it but to go to the
king’s house and tell how it had happened.
Then the counsel of the
Seanagal was taken again; and the counsel that the Seanagal gave them was,
that they should set their soldiers out about the country at free
quarters; and at whatsoever place they should get pig’s flesh, or in
whatsoever place they should see pig’s flesh, unless those people could
show how they had got the pig’s flesh that they might have, that those
were the people who killed the pig, and that had done every evil that had
been done.
The counsel of the Seanagal
was taken, and the soldiers sent out to free quarters about the country;
and there was a band of them in the house of the wright’s widow where
the Shifty Lad was. The wright’s widow gave their supper to the
soldiers, and some of the pig’s flesh was made ready for them; and the
soldiers were eating the pig’s flesh, and praising it exceedingly. The
Shifty Lad understood what was the matter, but he did not let on.
[Divulge] The soldiers were set to lie out in the barn; and when they were
asleep the Shifty Lad went out and he killed them. Then he went as fast as
he could from house to house, where the soldiers were at free quarters,
and he set the rumour afloat amongst the people of the houses, that the
soldiers had been sent out about the country to rise in the night and kill
the people in their beds; and he found means to make the people of the
country believe him, so that the people of each house killed all the
soldiers that were asleep in their barns; and when the soldiers did not
come home at the time they should, some went to see what had happened to
them; and when they arrived, it was so that they found the soldiers dead
in the barns where they had been asleep; and the people of each house
denied that they knew how the soldiers had been put to death, or who had
done it.
The people who were at the
ransacking for the soldiers went to the king’s house, and they told how
it had happened; then the king sent word for the Seanagal to get counsel
from him; the Seanagal came, and the king told how it had happened, and
the king asked counsel from him. This is the counsel that the Seanagal
gave the king, that he should make a feast and a ball, and invite the
people of the country; and if the man who did the evil should be there,
that he was the man who would be the boldest who would be there, and that
he would ask the king’s daughter herself to dance with him. The people
were asked to the feast and the dance; and amongst the rest the Shifty Lad
was asked. The people came to the feast, and amongst the rest came the
Shifty Lad. When the feast was past, the dance began; and the Shifty Lad
went and he asked the king’s daughter to dance with him; and the
Seanagal had a vial full of black stuff, and the Seanagal put a black dot
of the stuff that was in the vial on the Shifty Lad. But it seemed to the
king’s daughter that her hair was not well enough in order, and she went
to a side chamber to put it right; and the Shifty Lad went in with her;
and when she looked in the glass, he also looked in it, and he saw the
black dot that the Seanagal had put upon him. When they had danced till
the tune of music was finished, the Shifty Lad went and he got a chance to
steal the vial of the Seanagal from him unknown to him, and he put two
black dots on the Seanagal, and one black dot on twenty other men besides,
and he put the vial back again where he found it.
Between that and the end of
another while, the Shifty Lad came again and he asked the king’s
daughter to dance. The king’s daughter had a vial also, and she put a
black dot on the face of the Shifty Lad; but the Shifty Lad got the vial
whipped out of her pocket, unknown to her; and since there were two black
dots on him, he put two dots on twenty other men in the company, and four
black dots on the Seanagal. Then when the dancing was over, some were sent
to see who was the man on whom were the two black dots. When they looked
amongst the people, they found twenty men on whom there were two black
dots, and there were four black dots on the Seanagal; and the Shifty Lad
found means to go swiftly where the king’s daughter was, and to slip the
vial back again into her pocket. The Seanagal looked and he had his black
vial; the king’s daughter looked and she had her own vial; then the
Seanagal and the king took counsel; and the last counsel that they made
was that the king should come to the company, and say, that the man who
had done every trick that had been done must be exceedingly clever; if he
would come forward and give himself up, that he should get the king’s
daughter to marry, and the one half of the kingdom while the king was
alive, and the whole of the kingdom after the king’s death. And every
one of those who had the two black dots on their faces came and they said
that it was they who had done every cleverness that had been done. Then
the king and his high council went to try how the matter should be
settled; and the matter which they settled was, that all the men who had
the two black dots on their faces should be put together in a chamber, and
they were to get a child, and the king’s daughter was to give an apple
to the child, and the child was to be put in where the men with the two
black dots on their faces were seated, and to whatsoever one the child
should give the apple, that was the one who was to get the king’s
That was done, and when the
child went into the chamber in which the men were, the Shifty Lad had
a shaving and a drone, and the child went and gave him
the apple. Then the shaving and the drone were taken from the Shifty Lad,
and he was seated in another place, and the apple was given to the child
again; and he was taken out of the chamber, and sent in again to see to
whom he would give the apple; and since the Shifty Lad had the shaving and
the drone before, the child went where he was again, and he gave him the
apple. Then the Shifty Lad got the king’s daughter to marry.
And shortly after that the king’s daughter and the
Shifty Lad were taking a walk to Baile Cliabh; and when they were going
over the bridge of Baile Cliabh, the Shifty Lad asked the king’s
daughter what was the name of that place; and the king’s daughter told
him that it was the bridge of Baile Cliabh, in Eirinn; and the Shifty
Lad said— "Well, then, many is the time that my mother said to me, that my end would be to be hanged at the bridge of
Baile Cliabh, in Eirinn; and she made me that prophecy many a time when I
might play her a trick."
And the king’s daughter said, "Well, then, if
thou thyself shouldst choose to hang over the little side wall of the
bridge, I will hold thee aloft a little space with my pocket napkin."
And they were at talk and fun about it; but at last it
seemed to the Shifty Lad that he would do it for sport, and the king’s
daughter took out her pocket napkin, and the Shifty Lad went over the
bridge, and he hung by the pocket napkin of the king’s daughter as she
let it over the little side wall of the bridge, and they were laughing to
each other.
But the king’s daughter heard a cry, "The king’s
castle is going on fire!" and she started, and she lost her hold of
the napkin; and the Shifty Lad fell down, and his head struck against a stone, and the brain went out of him; and there
was in the cry but the sport of children; and the king’s daughter was
obliged to go home a widow.