Eric loved to
swim in the sea. Each morning after breakfast he'd put on his swim
trunks and walk down to the beach. He'd spread out his towel on the sand
and then run into the water for a swim. His mother always went with him
and she'd sit on the beach and watch him as he splashed about in the
One morning Eric
swam out a little further than he usually did. The water was much
“Eric, come back
here. You're going too far out!” His mother stood and shouted at him.
Eric didn't
hear. The waves made a loud noise. Something brushed by his leg, rubbing
it. “What was that?” Eric stopped swimming and looked around. “Mom!
Something's out here with me!” He shouted and turned to swim back to the
A long, green,
scaly bump rose out of the water. Eric watched in horror as another hump
poked out and then another and another. Soon there were six humps. “Mom!
Help me! It's a monster! It's a sea monster!” A tail with a spike at the
end crept out of the water like a dancing cobra. “Yikes!” Eric gulped
and then swam with all his might towards the beach.
Two sharp purple
horns rose from the water right in front of Eric's face. A pair of bulgy
eyes and a snout with sharp teeth raised up. A loud roar gushed from the
creatures mouth.
Eric swam
faster, trying to get away from the sea monster before it ate him.
Eric's mom stood
on the beach watching her son. “Oh no! The sea monster is going to eat
him. Hurry, Eric! Swim faster!”
Eric swam so
fast that he got very tired. Soon he couldn't lift his arms or kick his
feet. “I'm too tired, Mom. I can't swim.”
Mom saw the sea
monster swim under Eric and lift him out of the water. Eric grabbed onto
the sea monster's purple spikes and held on as it swam towards the
shore. When it got close to the splashing waves, it rolled over and Eric
fell off. His mom rushed into the water to help her son out.
“You're all
right, Eric. The sea monster saved your life.” His mom put a towel
around him and held him tight.
The two of them
stood staring out at the water. The sea monster smiled at them and dove
under the water, disappearing forever.
“Tomorrow when I
come swimming, I'm staying close to the beach,” Eric said.
“It's a good
thing that sea monster was out there to save you, wasn't it?” His mom
put her sandals back on.
“Yes, Mom, but
I'm never going out far in the water again.” Eric slipped on his shoes
and the two of them walked home. Eric stood at his window that night
staring out at the sea. “There really is such a thing as sea monsters.”
He whispered through the window pane. Just then he saw the humps appear,
glowing in the moonbeams. “Thank you!” Eric waved, knowing the sea
monster wouldn't see him or hear him and then he went to bed, glad to be