Near the town of Aberdeen, in.
Scotland, lived James Campbell, who had one daughter, named Mary, who was
married to John Nelson, a young man of that neighbourhood. Shortly after
their marriage, they being a young couple, they went to live in the town
of Aberdeen, where he followed his trade, being a goldsmith; they lived
loving and agreeable together until the time of her lying-in, when there
was female attendants prepared suitable to her situation; when near the
hour of twelve at night they were alarmed with a dreadful noise, at which
of a sudden the candles went out, which drove the attendants in the utmost
confusion; soon as the women regained their half-lost senses, they called
in their neighbours, who, after striking up lights, and looking towards
the lying-in woman, found her a corpse, which caused great confusion in
the family. There was no grief could exceed that of her husband, who, next
morning, prepared ornaments for her funeral; people of all sects came to
her wake, amongst others came the Rev. Mr. Dodd, who, at first sight of
the corpse, said, "It’s not the body of any Christian, but that Mrs.
Nelson was taken away by the fairies, and what they took for her was only
some substance left in her place." He was not believed, so he refused
attending her funeral; they kept her in the following night, and the next
day she was interred.
Her husband, one evening after
sunset, being riding in his own field, heard a most pleasant concert of
music, and soon after espied a woman coming towards him dressed in white;
she being veiled, he could not observe her face, yet he rode near her, and
asked very friendly who she was that chose to walk alone so late in the
evening? at which she unveiled her face, and burst into tears, saying, I
am not permitted to tell you who I am. He knowing her to be his wife,
asked her in the name of God, what disturbed her, or what occasioned her
to appear at that hour? She said her appearing at any hour was of no
consequence; for though you believe me to be dead and buried, I am not,
but was taken away by the fairies the night of my delivery you only buried
a piece of wood in my place; I can be recovered if you take proper means;
as for my child, it has three nurses to attend it, but I fear it cannot be
brought home; the greatest dependence I have on any person is my brother
Robert, who is a captain of a merchant ship, and will be home in ten days
hence. Her husband asked her what means be should take to win her? She
told him he should find a letter the Sunday morning following, on the desk
in his own room, directed to her brother, wherein there would be
directions for winning her. Since my being taken from you I have had the
attendance of a queen or empress, and if you look over my right shoulder
you will see several of my companions; he then did as she desired, when,
at a small distance, he saw a king and queen sitting, beside a moat, on a
throne, in splendour.
She then desired him to look right
and left, which he did, and observed other kings on each side of the king
and queen, well guarded. He said, I fear it is an impossibility to win you
from such a place. No, says she, were my brother Røbert here in your
place, he would bring me home; but let it not encourage you to attempt the
like, for that would occasion the loss of me for ever; there is now severe
punishment threatened to me for speaking to you; but, to prevent that, do
you ride up to the moat, where (suppose you will see no person) all you
now see will be near you, and do you threaten to burn all the old thorns
and brambles that is round the moat, if you do not get a firm promise that
I shall get no punishment; I shall be forgiven; which he promised. She
then disappeared, and he lost sight of all he had seen; he then rode very
resolutely up to the moat, and went round it, vowing he would burn all
about it if he would not get a promise that his wife should get no hurt. A
voice desired him to cast away a book that was in his pocket, and then
demand his request; he answered he would not part with his book, but grant
his request, or they should find the effect of his rage. The voice
answered, that upon honour she should be forgave her fault, but for him to
suffer no prejudice to come to the moat, which he promised to fulfil, at
which he heard most pleasant music. He then returned home, and sent for
the Rev. Mr. Dodd, and related to him what he had seen; Mr. Dodd stayed
with him till Sunday morning following, when as Mr. Nelson looked on the
desk in his room, he espied a letter, which he took up, it being directed
to her brother, who in a few days came home; on his receiving the letter
he opened it, wherein he found the following:-
"Dear Brother,—My husband can relate
to you my present circumstances. I request that you will (the first night
after you see this) come to the moat where I parted from my husband: let
nothing daunt you, but stand in the centre of the moat at the hour of
twelve at night, and call me, when I, with several others, will surround
you; I shall have on the whitest dress of any in company; then take hold
of me, and do not forsake me; all the frightful methods they shall use let
it not surprise you, but keep your hold, suppose they continue till cock
crow, when they shall vanish all of a sudden, and I shall be safe, when I
will return home and live with my husband. If you succeed in your attempt,
you will gain applause from all your friends, and have the blessing of
your ever-loving and affectionate sister,
No sooner had he read the letter
than he vowed to win his sister and her child, or perish in the attempt;
be returned to the ship, and related to his sailors the contents of the
letter; he delayed till ten at night, when his loyal sailors offered to go
with him, which he refused, thinking it best to go alone. As he left his
ship a frightful lion came soaring towards him; he drew his sword and
struck at the lion, which he observed was of no substance, it being only
the appearance of one, to terrify him in his attempt; it only encouraged
him, so that he proceeded to the moat, in the centre of which he observed
a white handkerchief spread; on which he was surrounded with a number of
women, the cries of whom were the most frightful he ever heard; his sister
being in the whitest dress of any round him, he seized her by the right
hand, and said, With the help of God, I will preserve you from all
infernal imps: when of a sudden, the moat seemed to be on fire around him.
He likewise heard the most dreadful thunder could be imagined; frightful
birds and beasts seemed to make towards him out of the fire, which he knew
was not real; nothing daunted his courage; he kept hold of his sister for
the space of an hour and three-quarters, when the cocks began to crow;
then the fire disappeared, and all the frightful imps vanished. He held
her in his arms, and fell on his knees, and gave God thanks for his
proceedings that night: he believing her clothing to be light, put his
outside coat on her: she then embraced him, saying she was now safe, as he
put any of his clothing on her; he then brought her home to her husband,
which occasioned great rejoicing. Her husband and he began to conclude to
destroy the moat in revenge of the child they had away, when instantly
they heard a voice, which said, you shall have your son safe, and well, on
condition that you will not till the ground within three perches of the
moat, nor damage bushes or brambles round that place, which they agreed
to, when, in a few minutes, the child was left on his mother’s knee, which
caused them to kneel and return thanks to God.