of Razay, was an ancient hero of great
celebrity. Distinguished in the age in which he lived for the gallantry of
his exploits, he has often been selected by the bard as the theme of his
poems and songs. Alongst with a constitution of body naturally vigorous
and powerful, Razay was gifted with all those noble qualities of the mind
which a true hero is supposed to possess. And what reflected additional
lustre on his character was that he never failed to apply his talents and
powers to the best uses. He was the active and inexorable enemy of the
weird sisterhood, many of whom he was the auspicious instrument of sending
to their "black inheritance" much sooner than they either expected or
desired. It was not therefore to be supposed that, while those amiable
actions endeared Razay to all good people, they were at all calculated to
win him the regard of those infernal hags to whom he was so deadly a foe.
As might be naturally expected, they cherished towards him the most
implacable thirst of revenge, and sought, with unremitting vigilance, for
an opportunity of quenching it. That such an opportunity did unhappily
occur, and that the meditated revenge of these hags was too well
accomplished, will speedily appear from this melancholy story.
It happened upon a time that Razay
and a number of friends planned an expedition to the island of Lewis, for
the purpose of hunting the deer of that place. They accordingly embarked
on board the chieftain’s yacht, manned by the flower of the young men of
Razay, and in a few hours they chased the fleet-bounding hart on the
mountains of Lewis. Their sport proved excellent. Hart after hart, and
hind after hind, were soon levelled to the ground by the unerring hand of
Razay; and when night terminated the chase they retired to their shooting
quarters, where they spent the night with joviality and mirth, little
dreaming of their melancholy fate in the morning.
In the morning of next day, the
chief of Razay and his followers rose with the sun, with the view of
returning to Razay. The day was squally and occasionally boisterous, and
the billows raged with great violence. But Razay was determined to cross
the channel to his residence, and ordered his yacht to prepare for the
voyage. The more cautious and less courageous of his suite, however, urged
on him to defer the expedition till the weather should somewhat settle,—an
advice which Razay, with a courage which knew no fear, rejected, and
expressed his firm determination to proceed without delay. Probably with a
view to inspire his company with the necessary degree of courage to induce
them all to concur in the undertaking, he adjourned with them to the
ferry-house, where they had recourse to that supporter of spirits under
every trial, the usquebaugh, a few bottles of which added vastly to the
resolution of the company. Just as the party were disputing the
practicability of the proposed adventure, an old woman, with wrinkled
front, bending on a crutch, entered the ferry-house; and Razay, in the
heat of argument, appealed to the old woman, whether the passage of the
channel on such a day was not perfectly practicable and free from danger.
The woman, without hesitation, replied in the affirmative, adding such
observations, reflecting on their courage, as immediately silenced every
opposition to the voyage; and accordingly the whole party embarked in the
yacht for Razay. But, alas! what were the consequences? No sooner were
they abandoned to the mercy of the waves than the elements seemed to
conspire to their destruction. All attempts to put back the vessel proved
unavailing, and she was speedily driven out before the wind in the
direction of Razay. The heroic chieftain laboured hard to animate his
company, and to dispel the despair which began to seize them, by the most
exemplary courage and resolution. He took charge of the helm, and in spite
of the combined efforts of the sea, wind, and lightning, he kept the
vessel steadily on her course towards the lofty point of Aird, in Skye.
The drooping spirits of his crew began to revive, and hope began to smile
upon them,— when lo! to their great astonishment, a large cat was seen to
climb the rigging. This cat was soon followed by another of equal size,
and the last by a successor, until at length the shrouds, masts, and whole
tackle were actually covered with them. Nor did the sight of all those
cats, although he knew well enough their real character, intimidate the
resolute Razay, until a large black cat, larger than any of the rest,
appeared on the mast-head, as commander-in-chief of the whole legion.
Razay, on observing him, instantly foresaw the result; he, however,
determined to sell his life as dearly as possible, and immediately
commanded an attack upon the cats; but, alas! it soon proved abortive.
With a simultaneous effort the cats overturned the vessel on her leeward
wale, and every soul on board was precipitated into a watery grave. Thus
ended the glorious life of Jan Garbh Macgillichallum, of Razay, to
the lasting regret of the brave clan Leod and all good people, and to the
great satisfaction of the abominable witches who thus accomplished his
lamentable doom. |