Mama wanted to
bake ten pumpkin pies for the town fair. She loved baking the pies. What
she didn’t like to do was clean the pumpkins out. Pumpkin seeds and
slime made her feel rather ill.
“Mama, when are
you going to make pumpkin pies for the fair?” Andrew pulled at his
mama’s apron.
“There are three
pumpkins,” Angela said. “That will make ten pies. Can we help?”
Mama smiled at
her children. “Yes, you can. Jeffrey, you and Angela and Andrew can help
me by cleaning all the seeds and slime out of the pumpkins. Would you do
that for me? If you do, I’ll make a dozen pumpkin pies and we can keep
two of them here to have for supper.”
“I’ll help,
Mama,” said Andrew.
“Me too,” said
Jeffrey ran to
the drawer and picked out three spoons. “I want to help too, Mama.”
Mama put the
three children at the table. “I’ll cut the tops off and you can scoop
out the insides.” She tied a towel around each of their necks so they
wouldn’t get their clothes dirty.
For the next
hour Angela, Andrew and Jeffrey dug into the pumpkins. They scooped out
the seeds and plopped them on the table.
“Don’t make such
a mess. I will put a bucket here. Put everything in it.” Mama brought a
big blue bucket and put in right in the middle of the table.
Angela giggled
when a seed flew off the spoon and landed on Jeffrey’s nose.
Jeffrey laughed
when some slime dripped from Andrew’s hair.
Andrew chuckled
when he squished the slime between his fingers.
When they
finished Mama told them to wash their hands. She tossed out the bucket
of seeds and pumpkin slime in the back yard. She chopped the pumpkin
into pieces and baked her pumpkin pies. Mama took ten of them to the
fair and kept the two biggest pies at home. That night they feasted on
pumpkin pie and whipped cream. Angela, Andrew and Jeffrey each had a big
piece. “Thank you for helping with the pies,” Mama said.
“You’re welcome,” Jeffrey said, with his mouthful of pie.