Inside a big
castle lived six princes. Their names were Oomba, Toomba, Joomba,
Foomba, Zoomba and Yoomba. Their mother, the queen and their father,
the king, were quite upset with the princes. They were all lazy. All
they did every single day was lie in bed. They got up to eat
sometimes, but always went back to bed.
“How will we
ever teach our sons to be kings if all they do is sleep?” The queen
sat on her throne and looked over at the king.
“We shall
have to do something about it right now. I will make a royal decree
that from now on our sons cannot sleep.” The king clapped his hands.
“Not sleep?
Never?” The queen was aghast.
“Never! They
have to work, play, run or skip. They can eat, brush their teeth,
sweep the castle floors, but they can’t sleep.” The royal squire
came into the room and bowed before the king. “Go and wake up my six
sons and tell them I have sent out a royal decree that they are
never allowed to sleep again.”
The squire
bowed and headed straight for the prince’s bedroom. He opened the
door. The six boys were all sound asleep. The squire pulled the
curtains open and bent over Oomba. “Wake up!” He shouted in Oomba’s
Oomba and
his brothers jumped and sat in the bed.
father, the king, has made a decree that his sons, the six of you,
are not allowed to sleep again.” The squire bowed and left the
princes on their own.
allowed to sleep? What ever shall we do with our time?” Toomba
“It is a
royal decree. We have no choice. I think I will get dressed and go
and have something to eat in the royal kitchen,” Joomba said.
“I think I
will get dressed and go for a walk in the royal gardens,” Yoomba
Foomba, Oomba and Toomba didn’t know what they wanted to do, but
they got dressed and closed the bedroom door behind them.
decided to go to the royal treasury and count the gold coins.
headed for the royal laundry to make sure his clothes were being
washed the correct way.
Oomba went
to the royal baths. He wanted to be clean and soak in bubbly water.
Toomba went
to the royal chicken coops to make sure the hens were laying enough
The king and
queen walked past the prince’s bedroom and opened the door. Nobody
was in the bed. The king smiled and they walked on.
stomach rumbled with hunger. He’d slept so much that he was nothing
but skin and bones. When he opened the royal kitchen door, the cook
was polishing a copper pot. “Oh cook! I’d like something to eat. I
would like to start with a plum pie with cream and an orange cake
with marmalade.”
The cook
made an angry face and started baking the pie and cake. After Joomba
had finished eating them both he patted his tummy. “That was
delicious. I’d forgotten how much fun eating cakes could be. I’d
like another. I want a pie filled with raisin and chopped nuts and
fresh raspberries and topped with vanilla ice cream. I’d also like a
fruit cake covered in marzipan icing and topped with fresh cream.”
The cook made an even angrier face and baked the second pie and
cake. It went like this the whole day. Joomba wanted every kind of
pie and every kind of cake he could think of. The cook didn’t have
time to make lunch or supper for the king and queen because he was
so busy cooking for Prince Joomba.
walked down to the royal gardens. “This is simply lovely. Look at
all the colored flowers. There are pink ones, red ones, blue, orange
and white ones, yellow ones, purple ones, cream, salmon and crimson
ones. I think I will pick them and sit under that tree and smell
each one.” Yoomba walked around the gardens picking every flower he
could see. When his arms were full, he carried them over to the
willow tree, sat and sniffed them all. When he’d sniffed them all,
he pulled each and every petal off and threw them in the air. When
the royal gardener came to the gardens to begin working, he saw that
the flowers had been picked. He saw the prince sitting under a tree
with bare branches near his feet and a huge pile of petals sitting
next to him. The royal gardener wouldn’t be able to take the queen a
bouquet of fresh flowers today. This would be the first time she’d
not had any on her table.
headed for the royal treasury. He opened the door and was thrilled
to see all the gold and jewels. They were in nice piles, stacked
neatly around the room. Zoomba wanted to play with the jewels and
gold, so he knocked the piles over and picked one jewel up at a
time, holding it to his eye to see how pretty things looked. He
rolled the gold coins along the floor to see which one went the
fastest. When the royal treasurer came to work, he saw the mess! The
king wanted to have a pile of gold coins this evening to count and
then give to another king as a gift. How on earth could he take any
to the king now!
Foomba went
to the royal laundry. There were at least ten people there scrubbing
dirty clothes and hanging them up on lines to dry. Foomba wanted to
see how clean his were, so he went to the first line and pulled a
shirt off. “This isn’t mine! It’s Zoomba’s.” He threw it on the
floor. He went to the next shirt. “This isn’t mine either. It’s
Joomba’s.” Foomba went through every shirt and when he saw they
didn’t belong to him, he threw each and every one of them on the
floor. He didn’t know that his pile of dirty clothes hadn’t been
washed yet. The laundry people were furious. Now they had to wash
every single piece of wash again. The queen wouldn’t have clean
table cloths on her tables tonight for her supper.

Toomba made
his way outside and headed for the royal chicken coops. There was a
lot of clucking noises and feathers flew all over as the chickens
pecked at the seeds lying on the ground. Toomba went into one of the
coops and lifted a chicken off its nest. “Look at the eggs. I wonder
what is inside of an egg. The only time I’ve seen eggs is when they
come scrambled on my plate.” Toomba was so curious that he purposely
dropped an egg on the floor of the coop. It made a popping sound. “I
like that. Look at what’s inside. This is fun.” Toomba was so
excited that he broke every single egg in every single coop. When
the chicken-woman came to gather eggs that morning and saw the mess,
she became very upset. How would she be able to make the queen her
omelet and egg massage for her face?
Oomba wanted
to take a hot bath in a tub full of bubbles. He went down to the
royal bath house and turned on the hot water. He poured the entire
bottle of bubble bath into the water and then he took his time
undressing. He climbed into the tub and sank down in it. “Oh, this
feels so good. I think I’ll go swimming now.” He swam around in the
bathtub splashing water and bubbles all over the floor. When the
bath house attendant came into the room, he slipped and landed on
his bottom in a pool of water. There was water and bubbles
everywhere. They saw that the prince had used all the queen’s royal
bubble bath and all the hot water. How would he provide a bath for
the king and queen tonight? The bath house attendant had to spend
the whole day and night cleaning up the mess.
The king and
queen went into the dining room to eat their lunch. “Where is the
table cloth?” The queen sent for the laundry people and asked them
what happened. They told the king and queen about the royal prince.
Soon the chicken-woman came to the castle and the bath house
attendant and the royal treasurer, the royal gardener and the royal
cook. They told the king and the queen that something must be done
about the six princes. They’ve made a mess of the entire castle. Now
the queen and king can’t have a bath, an egg massage, a fresh
bouquet of flowers, or anything else that the princes had made a
mess of.
“Oh dear,”
said the queen.
“Oh dear,”
said the king.
“Maybe its
better that we let the royal princes sleep all day. At least they
can’t get into trouble and make a mess.” The queen used her royal
fan to fan herself off.
The king
sent a royal decree to the princes telling them that they had to
sleep as much as they could.
The princes
didn’t mind. They liked sleeping and would much rather sleep than be
in the gardens, or in the treasury. The princes were happy and so
was everyone else in the castle.