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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
The Frightened Possum

The Frightened Possum

Mama Possum rocked her baby, Albert, to sleep. She hung upside down from a branch, by her tail, swinging gently back and forth. It was quiet and peaceful in the woods, just the way Albert liked it. Butterflies fluttered around the flowers, not making a sound. He closed his big brown eyes and dozed off as Mama softly hummed a lullaby.


Albert opened his eyes and started to sob. Mama wasn’t happy either. "That scared me, Mama," he whined.

"ROAR! ROAR! ROAR!" Bruiser Bear stomped through the woods towards the Mama Possum and Albert.

Albert clung to Mama. "Is that bear going to eat us? His roars are loud!"

"Don’t worry. Bruiser won’t hurt you," Mama whispered.

"ROAR! ROAR! ROAR!" Bruiser Bear stood under the tree.

"Bruiser, why are you being so loud! Albert had just fallen asleep and I was enjoying the quiet sounds of the woods until you came along with your loud roars!" Mama said to the bear. "You frightened Albert and chased away all the butterflies."

Bruiser looked around. There were no butterflies anywhere. Albert stared down at him with big teardrops in his eyes. Mama Possum had a scowl on her face. "I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you or wake Albert. I didn’t know I was roaring loudly. I’ll try to be quiet from now on. Go back to sleep Albert," Bruiser said.

Albert clung to his mama even tighter. "That would be very nice if you tried to roar quietly. Thank you," Mama said.

Bruiser walked off into the woods. "Roar. Roar. Roar."

Mama smiled. "See, Albert. Bruiser is roaring quietly now. Go back to sleep." She swung gently back and forth by her tail and hummed a lullaby. Soon Albert was sleeping and the butterflies fluttered back to the flowers. The woods were peaceful once more.

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