A FARMER’S wife, who
resided on the banks of the Ale, near St. Boswells’, looking out a
window, thought she saw a funeral approaching; and at once mentioned the
circumstance to some neighbours, then with her in the house. They ran
out to look, but came back and sat down again, saying she must be
mistaken, for there was nothing of the kind to be seen. The woman felt
restless, however, and out of spirits; she could not help going to the
window again, and again she saw the funeral moving on. Her friends ran
out of doors and looked along the road, but still could perceive
nothing; a third time she went to the window, and exclaimed, "It is
fast coming on, and will soon be at the door." No other person
could discern anything; but within half-an-hour a confused noise was
heard outside, and the farm-servants entered, bearing her husband’s
lifeless body. He had died suddenly, by a fall from his cart.