"You have been often at the
Gatehouse," said Johnny Nicholson; "well, you’ll mind a flat piece of land
near Enrick farm; well, that was once a large loch; a long way down from
there is still the ruin of a mill, which at that time was fed from this
loch. Well, one night about the Hallowe’en times, two young ploughmen went
to a smiddy to get their socks (of their ploughs) and colters repaired,
and in passing the said mill on their way home again they heard music and
dancing, and fiddling, and singing, and laughing, and talking; so one of
the lads would be in to see what was going on; the other waited outside
for hours, but his companion never came out again, so he went home,
assured that the brownies had got hold of him. About the same time the
following year, the same lad went again to the smiddy on the same errand,
and this time he took another lad with him, but had the precaution to put
the Bible in his pocket. Well, in passing the mill the second time, he
heard the same sounds of music and dancing. This time, having the Bible in
his hand, he ventured to look in, when who should he see but his companion
whom he had left standing there that day twelvemonths. He handed him the
Bible, and the moment he did so the music and dancing ceased, the lights
went out, and all was darkness." |