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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Petal Power

Angus strolled down the street, stopping to look in all the different shop windows. “There's a bakery, a butcher, a fishmonger, a grocers and a sweetie shop. I don't see any honey shops here.” Angus's favorite food was honey. At night he'd sit in his croft and stick his paw into the honey pot, licking up every drop of sticky sweetness. “How am I going to buy honey when I can't find a shop that sells it?”

Before he crossed the street he saw one more shop. When he looked in the window, he smiled. The bottom shelf held jar after jar of highland honey. “Oh look. There's thistle honey, bluebell honey and heather honey. I love heather honey.” He went inside. “I'd like a hundred jars of heather honey.”

The sales clerk looked up at Angus. “We don't have one hundred jars. We only have five jars. I you want a hundred jars, you'll have to bring me a hundred bags of heather bells.”

“I'll do that then, if you'll make me the honey.” Angus left the shop and ran into the hills.

Since it was early autumn, they were covered with purple heather flowers. Angus went to his croft and picked up some bags. He didn't have one hundred bags, but he did have ten. He filled them with heather bells, brought them back to his croft and dumped them into a big pile. All day long he did this until he'd filled 100 bags.

As night came he sat in his croft, surrounded by the pink, purple and white heather bells. All of his furniture was hidden by the flowers. He couldn't even find his kitchen or his honey pot, but he didn't mind. He knew he'd soon have heather honey.

The next morning he carried all the heather petals over to the shop, ten bags at a time.

 As he dumped them out, the sales clerk wondered what Angus was doing. Finally he stopped him. “Angus, what are you doing?”

“I'm bringing you heather, like you said. You can make heather honey for me now.” Angus added, “Can't you?”

“Angus, you silly bear, I don't need the flower petals. I need the bees that fly around on them. It's the nectar they sip from the heather that makes the honey, not the flowers themselves.”

Angus didn't know what to do. “I can't catch one hundred bags of bees!”

“You have to find a beehive. That's where the honey is. Go up to Rowbridge Hill and ask auld Ben McFarlane. He'll help you, and take these petals with you.”

Angus bagged the petals and carried them to Rowbridge Hill. He dropped them in a pile.

 Ben McFarlane saw him and walked over to him. “What's the matter, Angus?”

“I want some heather honey. I thought if I picked the heather flowers that someone could make me honey from them. Now I find out it's bees that make honey. Sigh.”

“I can give you some of mine, Angus. If you'll keep bringing these petals to me each day, I'll give you a jar of honey every single morning. I've got a perfume business going on the side. I need the petals.” Ben smiled at the bear.

Every day Angus picked heather bells and filled ten bags. He took them to Ben's house on Rowbridge Hill. Ben gave Angus a jar of honey. Angus had all the honey he wanted and Ben's perfume business blossomed into a profitable business. Both of them were happy and both had what they wanted.

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