Seth lifted his head from the pillow. “What's all
that noise?” He rolled over and looked out the window. All of the farm
animals were running around confused and frightened. Seth got dressed
and went outside to see what was going on.
Two pigs ran about, their squiggly tails bouncing up
and down. “Oink, oink, oink.”
Seth said, “What's the matter with you two pigs? Why
are you squealing?”
They went, “Oink, oink, oink,” and ran into the barn.
A sheep ran by. “Baa, baa, baa.” Its fluffy white
wool jiggled around its body.
Seth said, “What's the matter with you? Why are you
The sheep went, “Baa, baa, baa,” and ran into the
Seth saw chickens with their chicks, a turkey, three
ducks, a cat, a dog and a mouse all run into the barn. “Whatever is
going on is going on in the barn.” Seth ran after the animals. “Yikes,”
he said when he saw all the creatures standing around the rabbit hutch.
The rabbit was sleeping, snoring softly. Wrapped
around the bars of the hutch was a snake. It too lay sleeping in the
Seth said, “Well, it looks like the rabbit has a new
The animals gawked.
When the rabbit woke up it saw the snake. The snake
woke up and saw the rabbit and then slithered to the back of the cage,
curled up in a tight coil and went back to sleep. The rabbit looked at
Seth and all the animals and then closed its eyes and went to sleep.
Seth said, “All right. You can all go back to what
you were doing. They're going to share the rabbit hutch.”
The animals ran out of the barn. Seth heard, “Quack,
quack, quack; woof, woof, woof; baa, baa, baa; meow, meow, meow; gobble,
gobble, gobble; squeak, squeak, squeak; and cluck, cluck, cluck.”
All was well at the farm once again.