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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Where's My Dog?

Edward and his puppy, Liston, played together every day. Edward loved Liston and took good care of him. He brushed Liston's hair and filled his dog bowl with food and clean water and took Liston for walks in the park.

One afternoon Edward's mum reminded him he had to go to the dentist. Edward didn't want to go, but his mum made him. "Your big brother, Jon, will take you. I've got to go to the shops." His mum called for Jon, who came down the stairs with his car keys.

"Come on, Edward. Let's go," said Jon.

Edward stroked Liston's neck. "I'll be back in a little while, Liston. You stay in the back garden and sleep under the tree." Edward and his brother left.

Liston stared out through the slats in the fence, watching the car drive away. He whined because he didn't want to be left all by himself. The dog ran around the garden, looking for a way out so he could run after Edward. A piece of wood had come loose and Liston squeezed himself under it and out into the front garden. He chased the car, but it went too fast and soon Liston found himself lost in unfamiliar territory.

After Edward came home, he ran right into the back garden to play with Liston. "Liston. Liston! Where are you?" He couldn't see the dog anywhere. Edward went back inside and asked his brother, Jon, to help him look. Neither of them could see Liston.

Edward walked up and down the street calling the dog's name. Just as he was about to go home, he heard Liston's bark. "Liston! Liston! I'm here." The dog came running towards Edward and jumped into his arms. He licked Edward's face and arms. "Good boy, Liston. I'm glad you decided to come back." Edward took Liston the park and they ran around. When they were tired they sat on a mound of grass and watched the birds.

From then on Edward made sure that when everyone left the house, they let Liston stay inside, so he couldn't run away ever again. 

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