day as a mother was sitting rocking her baby
to sleep, she was surprised, on looking up, to see a lady of elegant and
courtly demeanour, so unlike any one she had ever seen in that part of the
country, standing in the middle of the room. She had not heard any one
enter, therefore you may judge it was with no little surprise, not
unmingled with curiosity, that she rose to welcome her strange visitor.
She handed her a chair, but she very politely declined to be seated. She
was very magnificently attired; her dress was of the richest green,
embroidered round with spangles of gold, and on her head was a small
coronet of pearls. The woman was still more surprised at her strange
request. She asked, in a rich musical voice, if she would oblige her with
a basin of oatmeaL A basin full to overflowing was immediately handed to
her, for the woman’s husband, being both a farmer and miller, had plenty
of meal at command. The lady promised to return it, and named the day she
would do so. One of the children put out her hand to get hold of the grand
lady’s spangles, but told her mother afterwards that she felt nothing. The
mother was afraid the child would lose the use of her hands, but no such
calamity ensued. It would have been very ungrateful in her fairy majesty
if she had struck the child powerless for touching her dress, if indeed
such power were hers. But to return to our story. The very day mentioned
the oatmeal was returned, not by the same lady, but by a curious little
figure with a yelping voice; she was likewise dressed in green. After
handing the meal, she yelped out, "Braw meal; it’s the top pickle of the
sin corn." It was excellent; and what was very
strange, all the family were advised to partake of it but one servant lad,
who spurned the fairy’s meal; and he dying shortly after, the miller and
his wife firmly believed it was because he refused to eat of the meal.
They also firmly believed their first visitor was no less a personage than
the Queen of the Fairies, who, having dismissed her court, had not one
maid of honour in waiting to obey her commands. A few nights after this
strange visit, as the miller was going to bed, a gentle tap was heard at
the door, and on its being opened by him, with a light in his hand, there
stood a little figure dressed in green, who, in a shrill voice, but very
polite manner, requested him to let on the water and set the mill in
order, for she was going to grind some corn. The miller did not dare to
refuse, so did as she desired him. She told him to go to bed again, and he
would find all as he had left it. He found everything in the morning as
she said he would. So much for the honesty of fairies. |