fell all night long, covering the grassy hills with a deep white
blanket. Jorge and Inga stayed inside their cabin, piling logs onto the
fire. The smell of baking bread filled the rooms with a pleasant aroma.
Smoke rose from the chimney, spiraling into the sky. Outside not a sound
could be heard. Somehow snow had a magical way of silencing the hills.
woke from a peaceful sleep and wiped the mist from inside the window.
“Jorge, you mustsee this.” During the night someone had built five
snowmen. Each wore a hat and all had carrot noses and coal eyes, mouths
and buttons. Sticks poked out from the sides to make arms. “Snowmen! Who
would do such a thing?”
climbed out of bed, slipped his feet into his slippers and stood in
front of the window. “You're right, Inga. Snowmen. How very odd.”
have some breakfast and then we'll go outside for a closer look,” Inga
said. She wrapped her robe around her and went into the kitchen. “Jorge,
it's freezing in here. Would you start a fire please?”
grumbled and complained, rubbed his hands together and stacked the
chopped wood in the fireplace. He lit the fire and soon the chill was
taken from the room. His nose twitched, smelling the aroma of cinnamon
rolls and sizzling bacon.
filling up on porridge and the rolls and bacon, the two of them dressed
quickly. They donned their boots, gloves, hats, scarves and heavy coats.
Leaving the warmth of the cabin behind them, Inga and Jorge went
funny. I only see four snowmen now,” Inga said. She looked across the
field of white. Just then something tugged at her coat. Inga turned
around and gasped. “It's the snowman, Jorge. It's alive.”
The icy
man stood before them, its carrot nose dripping and it's mouth in a huge
little snowman. How did this happen?” Jorge gazed at the coal eyes.
name's Brrr. When I sniffed your cinnamon rolls, I came alive. Are they
magic cinnamon rolls?”
they're not and I don't think that had a thing to do with it. I think
this is magic snow. There's a legend that long ago whenever it snowed
all sorts of strange things happened to the villagers. Snowmen came to
life and so did the snow angels,” Inga said. She patted the snowman on
his head. “I suppose those legends were true.”
don't you come with us into the cabin and have a cinnamon roll?” Jorge
reached for the snowman's hand.
can't come inside. Brrr will melt. I'll bring one out for you.” Inga
trudged through the snow and brought back a cinnamon roll.
snowman ate it.
Inga turned around, she saw that all four of the other snowmen had come
to life too.
this?” Jorge looked at the snowmen. “They're all alive.”
went back into the cabin and brought out cinnamon rolls for all the
snowmen. She mended their torn hats and scarves and Jorge made sure all
their coal buttons, eyes and mouths were polished and shiny. Inga
replaced their wilting noses with new carrots. All day long they played
with the snowmen. They played hide and seek, where it was nearly
impossible to find a snowman!
the sun went down, Jorge and Inga bid their new friends a good night and
promised more cinnamon rolls in the morning.
bounded out of bed when the sun rose and baked a fresh batch. The scent
of cinnamon wafted in the air. She opened the door and took a tray
outside. Her smile turned to a frown when she saw all five snowmen were
just plain old snowmen again. None of them were alive.
put his arm around his wife's shoulders. “It was magic snow, Inga. It
only happens once in a lifetime.” They both stared at the snowmen and
then went back inside, never to forget that winter's day when the snow
fell, covering the hills with a blanket of white.