“Jenna, would
you like to go to the lake today? The hills are covered with wild
flowers and the lake is full. We could take our boat out on the water
and do some rowing,” her dad suggested.
“Dad, I'd love
that. We haven't been rowing for a long time.” Jenna ran to her room to
put on her boots.
They drove up to
the lake, along a winding unpaved road. When Jenna saw the water, she
jumped up and down in her seat. “There is it, Dad. It's so pretty.”
“Yes, it is.
It's deep too and slippery so watch your footing.” He unhooked the boat
and put it in the water. “Climb in, Jenna.”
She sat beside
her dad and watched him row to the middle of the lake. The waves was
slight and not very choppy. “Dad, how deep is the water? Do you think I
could tell by looking over the edge of the boat?”
“Don't be silly,
Jenna.” Her father laughed out loud. “The only way to tell how deep it
is is to jump in.”
“I don't want to
do that, Dad.” Jenna leaned over the side. Her fingers played in the
cold water. She reached her arm deeper into the lake and before she knew
it fell over the side.
“Daddy help me!”
Her father
dropped the oars and reached over for her. He grabbed her arm and pulled
her out. She was dripping from head to toe. “Jenna! Didn't I tell you to
be careful. Now look at you. You're soaking wet. We'll have to go home
now.” He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her.
Jenna shivered
and wiped the tears away. “I didn't mean to fall in, Dad. It was an
“I know,
sweetheart, but your teeth are chattering. We need to go home.” He rowed
the boat back to the shore and carried Jenna to the car, where it was
While he loaded
the boat on the trailer behind the car, Jenna looked at the water and
sighed. When her dad got back in the car, Jenna slipped her arms around
his neck. “I love you, Daddy. Next time I won't worry about how deep it
is.” She giggled and then sat back in her seat.
They drove home,
watching the trees sway in the breeze and birds fly by. “It was a nice
day today, Jenna. Thanks for going with me. I love you too.”
Jenna curled up
against the door. “Any day with you, Daddy is wonderful.”