Jamie went with his mum to
the fair. They went every year. "Mum, can I go and play the
balloon game while you take your marmalade to be judged? I don't
like being around all that girly stuff."
His mum stroked his head.
"Go on then, Jamie, but come and find me in an hour or so. I won't
be any longer than that. Here's some pocket money for you."
Jamie ran off, anxious to
play some games. He stopped at the balloon game. He gave the man
some money and got six darts in return. "I hope I pop a balloon.
I'd love to win a stuffed teddy bear for Mum." Jamie threw the
darts and didn't pop any of the balloons.
"Would you like to try
again, Jamie?" The man gathered the darts up.
"No. I think I'll go and try
another game." Jamie ran off. He stopped at the rolling ball
game. He gave the girl some money and she handed him five balls.
"I've got to roll at least three of these balls into the highest
number slot." Jamie rolled the balls, but all five of them went
into the lower slots.
"Would you like to have
another go, Jamie?" The girl picked up the balls.
"No. I'm going to see what
else there is." Jamie moved to the next game. He didn't win at
that one either. He went to the next and lost again. After trying
a dozen different games, Jamie was out of money. "I need to go and
find Mum. It's been an hour." He started walking back the way he
came. "Which way should I go? I can't remember. Did she go that
way, or this way?" Jamie shrugged his shoulder and went the wrong
way. After a few minutes he stopped. "I don't recognize anything
here." He saw the haunted house and the other scary rides. A big
skull and crossbones sat atop the pirate ride. Its eyes blinked
off and on. "That's scary. Where's my mum?"
Jamie ran all over the park.
He couldn't find his mum anywhere. He sat on a bench and started
to cry.
Jamie looked up. "Hello,
Mrs. Crawford."
"Are you crying? What's
"I'm lost," he whimpered.
"She went to the jam place
to enter her marmalade." Jamie wiped his tears away.
"Come with me, Jamie. I'll
take you to her. I know exactly where it is." Mrs. Crawford took
Jamie's hand and led him to his mum.
"Mum!" Jamie ran to her and
hugged her. "I got lost, Mum. Mrs. Crawford brought me here."
"Thank you, Mrs. Crawford,"
Jamie's mum said. "I won first place for my marmalade." She showed
her ribbon to them both.
"That's wonderful. I must be
off though. Cheerio." Mrs. Crawford rushed off.
"Jamie, to celebrate my blue
ribbon, I'm going to take you on any ride you want. Which one
shall it be?"
"I want to go on the pirate
ride, Mum. It looks scary," Jamie said.
They went on the ride and
Jamie had a lot of fun. He laughed and laughed. When they
finished, he stood outside looking up at the skull and crossbones.
"You're not so scary now."
That night they had toast
and marmalade for supper. Jamie smiled, thinking about being lost
at the fair and glad Mrs. Crawford had found him.