Emily sat at the
table to eat her lunch. On her plate sat a glass of cold milk and a
peanut butter and jam sandwich. Her dog, Sniffles, ran over to the table
and put his paws on the edge. His mouth drooled for a bite of her
sandwich. “Get down, Sniffles. You can’t eat my sandwich. Go and have
your dog food.”
Sniffles dropped
to the floor. “I want a bite of her food. No, I want a steak; a big,
juicy, rare steak with a bone in the middle. I want a t-bone.” He licked
his lips and ran over to his dog dish. “I guess I’ll have to settle for
this.” With grumbling thoughts he devoured his canned dog food.
rolled around. Sniffles watched Emily head for the table. “Oh good. It’s
suppertime. Maybe she’ll have steak and drop a few pieces on the floor
for me.” He put his paws on the table and looked. “Not peanut butter and
jam again! Does this girl ever eat meat? I want meat.”
Emily spread the
peanut butter and jam on her bread. “I love peanut butter sandwiches.”
She gobbled two whole sandwiches.
Sniffles ran off
to eat his dog food again. The next morning Sniffles ran over to the
table. “She might not have steak for breakfast, but she’ll have bacon
and eggs. I’m so hungry.” When he jumped up for a look, he frowned.
“Peanut butter sandwiches again?”
“Oops!” Emily
spilled the jar of peanut butter and it bumped into the jar of jam. Both
spilled on the counter. The peanut butter was thick and sticky and
stayed near the jar, but the jam spread all over the table.
Sniffles’ ears poked
up. His tongue slinked across the table and he licked some of the jam
up. “Not bad.” He then licked the peanut butter. “This is quite good.
No wonder Emily likes to eat peanut butter and jam sandwiches for every
meal.” Once the table was cleaned, Sniffles ran over to his dog dish.
“It wasn’t t-bone steak, but I liked it.” He finished off his dog food
and lay down for a nap, dreaming of steak smothered in jam and peanut