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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Maggie’s Hero

Maggie took her new puppy, Digger, for a walk. It was a lovely day and the hills were covered with brownish heather bells. They had already bloomed and weren’t purple any longer. "Come on, Digger. Let’s go," Maggie said. He let out a few small yaps, wagged his tail, and followed Maggie into the hills. As she walked, Digger ran about chasing butterflies and bumblebees. Maggie didn’t have him on a leash, as there was nobody about. When they reached the top of the hill, Maggie sat down on the grass. She could see the croft far below. Smoke was billowing out of the chimney. "Digger, Gran’s making blackberry jam today, just for me. I’ll give you a taste though," she said to her puppy. He licked her face and she fell backwards laughing. After a few minutes, Digger curled up next to her and they both fell asleep.

"Do you know where Maggie is?" Grandpa asked Gran, who was stirring her jam with a wooden spoon.

"I think she went down to the play in the stream with Digger. She loves that dog. What a good idea it was to get him for her," Gran said.

"Well, today I’m burning the hillside. The heather’s getting too thick and it’s time to burn. There is no wind today either. When she comes back, keep her inside," Granpa warned.

"She can help me with the jam," Gran said.

Neither of them was aware that Maggie was at the top of the hill that Grandpa was going to burn. He started at the bottom and set the heather on fire. Flames shot up and the fire spread quickly through the dead flowers.

Digger sat up. He sniffed the air. He knew danger was coming and began to whimper and lick Maggie’s face. Maggie sat up. "Are you done with your nap, Digger?" she said as she stretched and yawned. "What’s that smell?" she asked. She stood up and looked down towards the croft. "Oh no! Grandpa’s burning the heather. We’ve got to get out of here, Digger." Maggie started running down the side of the hill.

Grandpa saw her. He was afraid. He didn’t know she’d been up at the top of the hill. "Maggie," he screamed. "Maggie, take Digger and go down the other side of the hill. Don’t come any further." He stood waving his hands.

Maggie didn’t hear him. She kept running. Digger heard Grandpa calling and sensing extreme danger, stopped. Maggie turned, calling him. "Digger. Come on boy. The fire will get us if we don’t hurry." Digger turned around and started running the other direction. "Digger. Come back." He didn’t listen but kept running back up the hill. When he got to the top he started barking. Maggie looked down and saw the fire quickly coming up the hill. Afraid for Digger, she ran back to pick him up. When she reached the top, Digger ran down the other side. Maggie had no choice but to follow him.

Gran came out of the house. "What are you screaming at?" she asked.

"Maggie’s up there with Digger. She was running right into the flames when Digger turned and ran back. They’ve gone down the other side now," Grandpa said, very worried.

"Oh no. Maggie!" Gran cried out. "We’ve got to go and find her."

"I can’t. I’ve got to stay with the fire or it will get out of control. Go around the back side over there and see if they’re there," Grandpa urged.

Gran ran as fast as she could around the hill. Maggie and Digger were running towards her. Maggie was calling, "Digger. Digger. Come back here." Digger ran right into Gran’s arms.

"Maggie, thank goodness you two are safe. Grandpa’s burning the heather. If Digger here hadn’t turned and gone down the other side, well, who knows what would have happened to you," Gran said, hugging Maggie. She took her hand and they walked back to the croft.

"Grandpa," Maggie said, running into his waiting arms.

"I didn’t know you were there, lass. I’m so glad you are safe. I was very worried. And you boy," he said, petting Digger, "you saved Maggie’s life. Good boy. Tonight you’re getting the finest piece of roast beef we’ve got into the house."

Digger barked. Gran put him down and he ran towards the croft. "Let’s go inside, Maggie. You can help me with the jam," Gran said.

Grandpa stayed outside and tended to the fire and Maggie and her Gran went in. Grandpa wiped the tear from his face. He was so happy that nothing had happened to wee Maggie.

That night while Grandpa, Gran and Maggie feasted on her favorite meal, mince and tatties, Digger gobbled down a hefty portion of roast beef, his reward for taking care of Maggie.

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