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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Gruzzle and Mizzle

Mizzle's big brother, Gruzzle, didn't want to babysit that day. He wanted to go and play with his friend, Igor, but his mother said, “You have to watch your baby sister while I go to the shops.”

Gruzzle pouted and then crawled into the chair to watch Mizzle. No sooner had their mother left when Mizzle started crying. She held her teddy bear and sobbed. Tears rolled down her green skin. “I want Mommy! I want Momm

Gruzzle tried to make her laugh. He told her jokes and made funny monster faces, but Mizzle wouldn't stop crying.

He got on his  knees and crawled along the floor. “Look at me, Mizzle. I'm a dinosaur.” Gruzzle roared and moved toward her.

Mizzle stopped crying and giggled. “More, Gruzzle. More.” Her tears left and a smile reached from one ear to the other. “Gruzzle is a dinosaur. Roar.”

Gruzzle roared and crawled around the room on his knees. It didn't last long though. Soon Mizzle started crying again. “I want Mommy! I want Mommy!”

“What can I do to make her laugh?” Gruzzle looked around the room. He saw a pile of blocks and built her a huge castle. It didn't stop her tears. He found a jack-in-the-box and wound it up. When the face jumped out, Mizzle screamed in fear. “No! Go away!”

No matter what Gruzzle did, Mizzle  kept crying. “I want Mommy! I want Mommy!”

An idea came to him. “I'll be right back, Mizzle.” He ran into the garage and came back with his tricycle. “Hop on the back and I'll take you for a ride.”

Mizzle stood on the tricycle and Gruzzle rode it around the house. She laughed and even left her teddy bear lying on her favorite red blanket. But as soon as Gruzzle stopped peddling, she started crying again, so he had no choice but to drive around until his mother came home.

The front door opened. “Mommy!” Mizzle jumped off the tricycle and ran to give her mother a hug.

Gruzzle was glad to see her. Now he could stop pedaling around the house. He went to his bedroom and shut the door and for the rest of the day he enjoyed the quiet, with no little sister to bother him.

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