“Class, today we
are going to plant seeds. I've given you each a plastic cup with dirt in
it. Pick up the seed and push it into the middle with your finger.” Miss
Crawford instructed her students.
“Miss Crawford,
what sort of seeds are these? They're white,” Kira said, holding one up
“They're pumpkin
seeds. One day this seed will grow into a huge pumpkin.” The teacher
smiled, her eyes widening.
“We can't grow a
pumpkin in this cup, Miss Crawford,” Randy said. “Pumpkins get this
big.” He held his arms out to the side.
“Randy, we're
planting the seeds and helping them to get started. Once they're too big
for the cup you can take them home and have your parents help you plant
them in your back garden, or wherever you have a lot of dirt.”
The students
poked their seeds in and carried their cups over to the sink. Miss
Crawford had instructed them to put water in the cup, just enough to wet
the soil, but not too much.
After two weeks
each pumpkin seed had sprouted, poking their green heads through the
dirt. They kept watering them and giving them a lot of sunshine. After
another few days Miss Crawford said, “Class, now is the time for you to
take home your pumpkins. Plant them in a sunny location, water them
every day with your hose or a watering can and by the end of summer
you'll have one or two huge pumpkins growing on the vines.
All summer long
the students did as their teacher had told. They watched their pumpkins
grow bigger and bigger. At first they were green, but turned bright
orange. When they went back to school in the autumn, Miss Crawford
asked each of her students how big their pumpkin grew. The children
laughed as they told her about the size of theirs. “I have a great idea.
Why don't each of you bring your pumpkins to school and I'll take a
picture of them. You can remember what you did for the rest of your life
each time you see the photograph.”
The next day the
mom's and dad's brought their children's pumpkins to school. Some were
much larger than others. Kira's wasn't that big. She could carry it by
herself. Donald's, Angela's, Percy's, Jack's and Emily's were the
biggest. Their father's had to carry them in.
Miss Crawford
had them stand behind their pumpkins and took their photo. “Class, these
are the biggest pumpkins I've ever seen. I'm so proud of you all.”
The children
were proud too. They took their pumpkins home again that night and
carved them into jack-o-lanterns for the holidays.