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Apparitions, Wraiths, The Second Sight
Phantom Funerals

THERE was a singular instance of the second-sight seen at Groul, in Mininish. The possessor then of that tack, on a fair day, took a walk in the fields for his recreation, and as he was a man advanced in years, and being somewhat tired with his exercise, reposed himself on the banks of a rivulet close to the common road, which afforded him an agreeable prospect. Soon after he had sat down, he observed a person coming that way who had been his acquaintance, and whom he invited to rest, as he had done, in that agreeable solitude. In a little time his companion discovered himself to be a seer of the second-sight, by informing Groul that a small company, with a corpse on a bier, were just then coming the way that leads from Breattle to the churchyard, which was in their sight, and about to cross the river that runs through the glen; and that, at the same time, he perceived a numerous gathering coming in at the other end of the glen, from Harport; which the first gathering having also observed (as he thought), laid down the bier, and made the best of their way to join the multitude, whom they followed until they came opposite to the place where they left the bier, to which they returned with a supply of men to help them; upon which both the corpses were carried with ease to the churchyard and interred. In some short time thereafter, Groul saw from his own house two gatherings with corpses coming the different roads, and in the same circumstances as already described.

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