fishermen busily unloaded their crates of fish, anxious to take them to
market and sell. They were lucky today. It hadn't rained, or stormed and
the seas had been calm. Most of the fishermen brought back a larger than
normal catch of herring, cod and mackerel.
lighthouse stood on an island, just outside the harbor, warning sailors
of rocks and shoals. Seagulls swarmed around the boats, hoping for a
missed piece of fish or one that wriggled its way off the ship into the
slept on top of a coiled rope, not aware that the fishermen had
returned. The sudden and loud shrieking of the gulls awakened him. He
stretched and yawned, cleaned his whiskers with his paws and then
trotted down to the harbor. His mouth watered when he saw the crates of
fish stacked up. A soft meow escaped his lips as he slinked closer,
trying not to be seen.
and patient to wait, Cedric sat at the edge of the pier, looking down in
the water. Oil streaks from the fishing boats lapped against the rock
wall. Seagulls swooped at him, chasing him away from the quarry they
believed should be theirs and theirs alone.
One of
the fisherman carried a crate of herring away from the fishmarket. “I
want you to guard this Jamie,” he said to his son. “I've got to unload
the boat and then I'll be back. Sit here and wait.”
boy, a lad of ten years old tapped his foot impatiently. His chums were
off playing games and he was stuck here with the fish.
come and play with us,” Andrew called, seeing his pal standing around
doing nothing.
can't. My dad asked me to wait here,” Jamie shouted back.
don't have to stay long. Come and play a game of football with us.”
Andrew tried to lure his friend away.
looked around. His father was in the fishmarket bargaining with the
sellers and traders for a fair price. “I'll bet I can play and game with
my chums and get back here before he does.” Jamie ran off.
who had been waiting for just such an event, rushed over to the crate of
fish. He climbed up on top of it and no sooner had he done so when a
seagull swooped at him, scratching him with its claws. Cedric swiped the
seagull and it flew away. Wanting to make sure it didn't come back, he
curled up in a ball and after eating one of the herring, he fell asleep,
as cats often do.
father finished at the fishmarket and headed back to the crate of fish
he'd left with his son. “Jamie? Jamie? Where did that lad disappear to?”
When he saw the cat sleeping on the fish, he picked it up by the neck
and tossed it into the sea
gasped and swam towards shore, his legs flailing out in front of him. He
stepped onto the pebbly beach and watched as Jamie's father grabbed his
son by the collar and told him to carry the fish.
shook the water out of his fur and headed up to the fishmarket, warily
staying away from people. He sat all day waiting until the fishmarket
closed for the morning and auld Mr. Peabody swept the stone floor clean,
pushing all the leftovers into the sea.
seagulls gathered in a flock and flew to the fish pieces bobbing up and
down in the water.
spotted a few fins and fish heads lying in the rocks. He rushed down,
chasing the curious birds away and ate until he was full. As he walked
up the street, he sighed, knowing tomorrow it would be the same thing
again, and again, and again, but such is the life of a cat that lives in
a fishing village by the sea.