Jack sat at the table eating a plate of fish. The sun
was shining and it was a warm day, so he opened the top half of his
door. He heard birds chirping and the wind gently blowing the leaves on
the willow tree.
Ten cats lived nearby in a row of trash cans. They
didn't have any food to eat. One of them smelled Jack's fish cooking and
ran to his house. The other cats followed.
Jack heard a horrible noise outside his door. He put
his plate in the sink and went to see what it was.
There sat the ten cats. They meowed and scratched his
door, trying to get inside.
Jack smiled. He had three more fish in his
refrigerator, so he cooked them and put them in a bowl. He opened the
door and put the bowl down. All ten cats came running and bit into the
fish. Every day the cats came to visit and every day Jack fed them fish
and they sang him a song.