One hot summer's day, the fair
came to town. Azure begged her mom to take her. After an hour of
whining, her mom agreed to go. While Mom went off to look at quilts and
embroidered hankies, Azure went on some of the rides. She loved the
ferris wheel and roller coaster most of all.
After she'd gone on a few rides,
her tummy rumbled with hunger. "I wonder if Mom would mind if I spent
money on cotton candy. She gave me the money to buy lunch and told me to
get a hot dog or hamburger. Cotton candy isn't a hot dog, but Mom isn't
around, so she'll never know." Azure bought the biggest bag of cotton
candy she could find and it took all of her money. She sat on a bench
and ate it until there was none left. Her fingers were sticky and blue
and when she touched her hair, it made a big mess and stuck the hair to
her face.
"Ew! This is horrible!" Not only
was Azure a mess, but her tummy felt horrible. "I shouldn't have eaten
that much cotton candy. Now I feel sick and Mom will see this mess all
over me."
She walked around the fair and
tried to have fun. She tossed darts at balloons and played the ring toss
game. When she went into the House of Mirrors, she saw herself. She had
blue goo all over her clothes, her hair and her face.
"I've got to get out of here!" She
turned to leave, but couldn't find her way out of the mirror maze. No
matter what way she went, she saw her reflection. Finally another person
came along and led Azure out.
She ran off to find somewhere to
wash herself off. She scrubbed her hands and face and wiped the blue
mess out of her hair. Feeling better about it, she ran off to find her
"Azure!" Mom saw her daughter
first. "What happened to your clothes? They're covered with blue!"
"Well, Mom, I.uh.um." Azure tried
to think of a lie to tell her mom.
Mom stared at her daughter,
waiting to here the explanation. "Well?"
"I can't lie to you, Mom. I didn't
have a hot dog. I bought a cotton candy and I ate the whole thing. It
made a mess all over me and I feel sick."
Azure wiped tears from her cheeks.
Mom looked at her daughter.
"You're a mess and we need to go home and get you into some clean
"But Mom, I haven't gone on all
the rides yet and I haven't played all the games." Azure whined.
"You should have thought of that
before you disobeyed. Come on. We're going home." Mom took Azure's hand
and led her to the car.
When they got home, Mom made Azure
bathe and wash her hair. She put on some clean clothes while Mom fixed
"Here's something healthy to eat."
She put a bowl of chicken soup in front of her, a crusty slice of hot
bread and a sliced apple. "Eat up!"
Azure enjoyed the meal. "Can we go
to the fair tomorrow, Mom?"
"We can, as long as you promise to
buy something good to eat instead of blue cotton candy."
"I promise, Mom."
The next day they went to the fair
again and Azure did just as her mom had asked and had much more fun!