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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Feed the Ducks

Tom and Sam, two yellow ducks, lived in a pond in the park. Some days a boy came to the pond and gave Tom and Sam bits of cake and rolls. Tom and Sam swam around nibbling the wet food. Sometimes they stuck their heads under to see if any fish swam by.

One cold day Amy came to the pond. "All ducks can do is swim in the pond and eat fish and bits of cake and rolls. Can you fly, little ducks? Can you walk?"

Tom swam up to Amy. "I can fly." He flapped his wings and flew up into the sky. He soared above the glen and the loch and fields of purple heather. When he finished, he landed back in the pond.

"Can you fly too?" Amy looked at Sam.

Sam lifted his wings and flew into the sky. "I can fly too. See me?" He flew over the thistles and hop kilns and landed on top of the pond.

Amy said,  "You can both fly, but can you both walk?"

Tom said, "I can walk."

Sam said, "I can walk too."

They got out of the water and walked across the grass.

"Well, I can walk and I can swim, but I can't fly," Amy said. She clapped her hands and waved to the ducks.

Tom and Sam ran into the water and swam away.

"I'll see you later," Amy said. "I may bring you bits of cake," and then she went home.

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