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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Daisy and the Dog

       Daisy waited until the sun went down and climbed down from the sycamore tree branch. She could see well at night and enjoyed running around looking under rocks for bugs to eat while the stars were shining in the sky.

        She ran over to a rock and picked it up. She saw a few slugs wiggling around. She gobbled them down and then ran off to look for something else. Daisy found six spiders and three beetles and two grasshoppers. She came to a house with a big front porch. A bowl sat in the middle. Daisy ran over to it and looked inside. It was filled with crunchy pieces of dog food. Daisy picked one up with her paws and took a bite. She thought it tasted yummy, so she ate another.

        As she ate her fourth piece, she heard a growling noise. She turned around slowly and saw a dog. He wasn't happy that the possum was eating his dog food. Scared by the snarling animal, Daisy dropped the piece she was holding in her paw and ran away as fast as she could. The dog chased her for a while, but then turned and went back to the house.

Daisy never went back there. From then on she stayed in the woods and ate slugs, spiders, beetles, grasshoppers and ants.

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