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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Daisy's Dinner

           Daisy rubbed her tummy. It growled with hunger. The possum licked her lips. All she'd had that day was a few bugs and berries. She felt like having fish for dinner tonight. She scurried down to the river and took a few steps into the cold rushing water. Brrrrrrr. Soon her fur was soaking wet and she began to shiver. Still, hunger kept her waiting.

        She stood still for a few minutes, waiting for a fish to swim by. She stood, and stood, and stood. She waited so long that soon the moon had moved across the sky and the sun was beginning to come up. Daisy didn't mind. At least the sun warmed her up.

        As the first rays shone down on the river, Daisy saw a fish coming towards her. As it swam past, she grabbed it. It wriggled and wiggled and squirmed and tried to get away. She held it tight in both paws and got out of the river. She carried the fish home and ate it for breakfast instead of dinner.

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