There once was a caterpillar that had
thirty feet.
Her name was Cynthia and she was quite sweet.
But she had a problem and others did talk -
She wore red galoshes when she went for a walk.

She wore them to bed and her mother would say,
"You can't wear galoshes both night and all day!
Others will talk and others will scoff!"
But Cynthia caterpillar would not take them off.
She wore them in the shower; she wore them to school.
She thought they were fabulous; she thought they were cool.
When she wore them in the tub, her mother said, "That's enough!"
But Cynthia caterpillar would not take them off.
"What if it rains and I am outside?
My feet will get wet; they'll never be dry!
I may catch a cold and I may get a cough."
But Cynthia caterpillar still would not take them off.
One day the sun shone and her mother said,
"Wear your tennis shoes today; wear them instead."
She grabbed her thirty sneakers, washed them off with a cloth,
And then Cynthia caterpillar took her galoshes off.
As she walked through the park it began to rain.
Her shoes got soaking wet, so she went home to change.
She put on her galoshes and warmed up with some broth.
Cynthia said, "I'll never again take my red galoshes off!" |