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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
I Can Make You Cry

Willie, the mouse, was bored. He'd eaten plenty of cheese, nuts and berries; he'd chased butterflies and he'd ran up and down trees. There was nothing else for him to do. He ran into the jungle and hoped he'd find another mouse to play with.

Willie heard a noise. "What is that?" He squeaked and twitched his nose. When he parted some huge leaves, he saw a baby elephant. It was crying. Willie didn't see the elephant's mama. "He's lost. Hee hee. I can have some fun with him. Elephant's hate mice."

He ran around to the back of the baby and pulled it's tail. The tiny elephant jumped and then sobbed. "That hurt. Who pulled my tail."

Willie giggled. "That was fun. He's a cry baby." Willie snuck up and stomped on the baby elephant's trunk.

"Ouch." He saw Willie. "A mouse? Go away. Mama says I shouldn't talk to mice."

"Oh she did, did she? Well, I'll show you and her." Willie grabbed hold of the elephant's big ear and pinched it.

"Ouch. Mama!" He blew his trunk and an awful noise blasted from it. "I'm telling my mama on you. You're not nice."

Willie stuck his tongue out. "Oh, I'm so scared. You're a big crybaby."

Just then the ground shook and Willie heard thuds coming towards him. "Uh oh."

Mama elephant came up behind him. "What's wrong?"

"Mama, that mouse pulled my tail and stomped on my trunk and pinched my ear."

"Oh? Well, we shall see about that." Mama elephant picked Willie up with her trunk and walked down to the lake. "This should teach you not to be mean to my baby." She blew as hard as she could and Willie went flying into the lake. He choked and coughed as the water rushed over him.

The baby elephant started to laugh. "Ha ha ha. How does that feel?"

Mama took her son by the trunk and the two elephants moved into the jungle.

Willie climbed out of the water and shook the fur off. "Gee, that was fun. Now what will I do?" Just then he heard a sound coming from the tree next to the lake. Willie looked up. A baby monkey sat on the branch. "Aha. I think I'll go and have fun with the monkey."

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