Willowchester Cathedral was
the loveliest Cathedral in England. It had tall spires and fancy
carved pillars and dozens of stained glass windows. Every year all
the children in England got together for a competition to see
which cathedral had the best Children's Choir. This year the
competition was being held at Willowchester Cathedral. At least a
hundred different choirs would be participating this year. They'd
practiced daily and all were anxious.
Darrock was a member of the
Summerham Cathedral Choir. He'd worked extra hard at his singing
lessons and never missed a day of practice. When their choirmaster
handed him his purple robe, Darrock slipped it on over his head.
All the others in his choir did too. They stood together and
A week before the comptetion
Darrock woke up with a sore throat. "Oh no!" He tried to sing but
all that came out were squeaks and groans. "Oh no!" He rinsed his
mouth with salt water and made sure he drank a lot of juice. Every
day when he went to choir practice, his choirmaster made him sit
out because he sounded horrible with his sore throat. Darrock
didn't know what to do. He'd worked too hard for this and didn't
want to miss the competition at Willowchester Cathedral.
The day before the
competition, a program came in the post. There were choirs coming
from Grantbury, Avrilford, Maltham and Oakpool Cathedrals. There
were many others, but those were the ones Darrock knew of.
On the day of the
competition, Darrock went to the bus. His choirmaster told him he
could come, even if he couldn't sing. Darrock hadn't tried to sing
at all for a week because he didn't want to strain his voice. The
drive down to Willowchester Cathedral was fun. The kids looked out
the window and saw old Norman churches, hedgerows, sheep, cows and
villages dotting the rolling green hills.
At last they arrived. The
Summerham Cathedral Choir sat patiently listening to the other
choirs. One choir from Chartsmouth only had three boys in their
choir. They did a grand job though, or at least Darrock thought
so. Finally it was Summerham's turn. They stood under some stained
glass windows. Darrock joined the group. His choirmaster told him
if he couldn't sing, just to pretend. They group stood next to
each other, all wearing purple robes. Darrock stood in the middle.
His black hair shone by the light coming through the windows.
The choir started singing.
Darrock opened his mouth and beautiful notes came flowing out. He
was so happy that he sang loud and clear. Birds flew by and
stopped to hear the choir. Cats and dogs ran up to the windows to
see who was singing such lovely music. When they finished they
received a standing ovation and loud applause.
Summerham Cathedral Choir
won first place. The choirmaster was so proud of his choir. He
took Darrock aside and told him it was because of him that they
won because his voice was so beautiful. Darrock wanted to shout
for joy, but didn't. He wanted to take care of his voice so that
next year they could come back to the competition and win again.