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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
A Box of Chocolates

Flicker, the firefly, buzzed about in the park, enjoying the moonlit sky. Flowering bushes and drooping trees filled the air with a fragrant aroma.  He flew over several wooden benches, each placed along a path. Trash cans sat next to them, boiling over with sandwich wrappers, lollipop sticks, empty popcorn containers and soggy snow cone wrappers.

Flicker's green bottom flashed every few seconds as he searched the rubbish for something tasty to eat. An open box attracted his attention. Shaped like a heart, it held empty wrappers and a few half eaten dark chocolates. Some of them had a few bites taken out.

Curious, he nibbled on one. "Cherries!" He licked his hands clean and moved on to another. "Fudge!" He enjoyed that one so much that he took another bite. "Maple! Strawberry! Vanilla cream! Coffee!"

Flicker ate so many chocolates that his tummy bulged and he couldn't fly. "Moan. Groan. Moan. Groan. I feel horrible."

He couldn't even find the energy to make his bright green bottom glow. Instead he waddled over to a tree and lay against it, holding his tummy. All night long he lay there, watching the stars and the moon move across the sky. As the first sign of dawn appeared, Flicker knew he had to find somewhere to sleep. He crawled under one of the roots and fell asleep just as the sun burst over the horizon.

That night, once the sun had gone down, Flicker woke up. He felt much better. His tummy didn't hurt and his bottom glowed brighter than it ever had. With a new burst of energy, he flew into the air and fluttered all around the trees.

He saw the trash cans and once again they bulged with rubbish. With a grin on his face, he flew over to one. "Another box of chocolates? No way!" Instead of eating the dark morsels filled with flavors, he opted to nibble on some leftover buttered popcorn. This time he made sure he didn't eat too much!"

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