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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
While the Cat's Asleep, the Mice Will Play

The barn was full of bags of seed. Milly and Maddy mouse looked out of their mouse hole in hopes the two cats weren't around. “I'm hungry,” Milly said. “I want to eat some of that seed. It looks yummy.”

Can you see the cats?” Maddy's nose twitched.

“Yes, I see them. They are sleeping on top of the bags of seed,” said Milly.

“I think we can get some seed and come back to the mouse hole before they wake up.” Maddy giggled.

The two mice ran from their mouse hole to a wooden bucket. They climbed inside of it. Maddy peeked over the edge. “I see a seed on the ground in front of the cat's nose. I'm going to get it.” She jumped from the bucket and ran to the seed. Instead of getting back into the bucket, she stayed where she was and ate the seed.

Milly ran over to a bag and gnawed a hole in it. Seed fell to the floor. “Oh look! The seed!” She ran over and ate a few kernels.

The cats snored while the mice ate. When they finished they looked at the cats. “Let's have some fun. We never get to play in the barn,” Maddy said.

The cats ran through the hay and around the pitch forks and swung from a long piece of spider's web. When they were tired, they carried arms full of seed to their hole. “While the cats sleep, the mice will play,” Milly said, giggling.

She and Maddy ate all the seed they wanted until their tummies were full.

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