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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Catch the Worm!

Chrissie walked around the outside of the chicken coop, pecking the seed that Farmer Jock had thrown out for her and the other chickens. She enjoyed farm life. She had all the seeds she wanted, companionship of the other chickens in the coop and safety from wild animals. All that was asked of her was that she laid one egg each day, which she did without any problems. Some days she laid two eggs.

One warm summer’s morning as she was pecking in the dirt, she spotted a worm inching its way through the dirt. "Worms are yummy," she clucked. She walked up to it slowly. Just as she was about to peck at it, the worm went into a hole in the ground. She pecked at the hole angrily, feeling mad that it had gotten away. After a while she gave up and went back to pecking the seed. She kept her eyes open though, in case it came out of the hole again.

Catch the Worm!

There went its head. It stuck up out of the hole just a wee bit. It seemed to be laughing at her. Chrissie let out a loud CLUCK and ran over towards the worm. It was too fast though and darted back into the hole just as she got to it. "CLUCK! CLUCK! CLUCK!" went Chrissie. She stood near the hole for a few minutes and seeing the worm wasn’t going to come out, she went back to pecking seed.

A few minutes later the worm stuck its head out of the hole again. This time it was out a little further than the time before. Chrissie tried to ignore it and continued eating her seed, but started to get angry, as the worm seemed to be laughing at her. Suddenly, as fast as she could, she ran over to the hole. Just as she reached it, the worm slid back inside. "CLUCK! CLUCK! CLUCK!" She was angry. This time she didn’t go back over to the seed. She went and hid behind the horse’s water barrel. She stood silently, waiting for the worm to come out.

The worm stuck its head out and looked towards the chicken coop. It was puzzled. Chrissie giggled silently with her hand over her beak. The worm came out even further and began to slowly inch its way towards the seed. Chrissie knew it was time. She ran out from behind the barrel, let out an extra loud CLUCK, and reached the worm, grabbed it in her beak and gobbled it down. "CLUCK! CLUCK! CLUCK!" she went, but this time it was joyfully. She fooled the worm and now she was full. Chrissie went back over to the seed, but couldn’t eat another bite. She went into the coop, sat in her nest and laid her egg.

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