Jimbo Dibblenip
was a strange man indeed, different from all the other men in the
village. While they worked hard as farmers, blacksmiths, and grocers,
Jimbo Dibblenip stayed home and held his bag.
All the
villagers wondered what Jimbo kept in the bag, but nobody ever was
invited to his house, so they didn't know.
One day
Frederick Hopperlum, a rabbit, overheard some of the villagers talking
about Jimbo. “If only we could find out what was in that bag! I'm sure
it's full of gold, or rubies, or diamonds.”
Frederick came
up with a brilliant idea. He ran to his burrow and picked up his basket.
He headed straight for Dalbert Jones's garden and picked ten of the
biggest carrots, putting them in his basket. Even though it was heavy,
he carried it over to Jimbo Dibblenip's house.
Jimbo stood
outside the wall, pacing back and forth. Frederick hopped over to him.
“Jimbo, I have some carrots here. They say that if you eat one a day
you'll have magic powers. I will give all ten of these carrots if you'll
let me see what's in your bag.”
Jimbo mumbled a
few words and hugged his bag closer.
“Ten carrots!
That's a lot of carrots. There are people in the village who would do
anything to get these carrots, but I'm giving them to you for just one
glimpse inside the bag.” Frederick took a carrot up to Jimbo. “See it.
It's big and orange and crunchy and ever so tasty.”
Jimbo looked at
the carrots. “They do look delicious and I'm very hungry. All I have to
do is let you look inside the bag? You won't try to take them from me,
will you?”
Hopperlum grew excited with anticipation. “I promise I won't take them
from you, whatever they are.
Jimbo opened the
bag. “Have a look.”
glanced inside. “Rocks? That's it? Not gold, jewels or fairy dust?”
“They are my pet
rocks. I take them with me wherever I go.” Jimbo closed the bag and held
it to his chest. “Now, give me the carrots.”
“I'm not going
to give you these delicious carrots just to see a bunch of rocks.”
Frederick put the carrots back in the basket and was about to leave when
Jimbo shouted.
“You promised.
If you don't give me the carrots I'll fry you up and eat you for dinner,
along with the carrots.” Jimbo scowled in anger.
“Huh! I'm not
scared at all.” Frederick started walking away.
Jimbo took one
of his rocks out of the bag and tossed it at the rabbit. Frederick fell
to the ground.
That night Jimbo
feasted on roasted rabbit with carrots and nobody in town ever found out
what was in the bag.