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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Bye Bye Stuffed Animals

Stuffed animals lay scattered all over Mindy's bedroom floor. Her mama opened the door and said, “Mindy, clean up this mess or I'll take all of these stuffed animals and give them away.”

Mindy lifted her head off the pillow. “I am tired, Mama. I'll do it later.”

“You heard me,” Mama said.

Mindy lay in bed for another hour and then she got dressed and ran outside to play with her friends.

Mama went into Mindy's room and saw that she still hadn't cleaned up her mess. She grabbed a big plastic bag and filled it with all the stuffed animals. She put the bag in her car and drove down the street to the thrift store. She donated all of them to charity.

Later that day when Mindy came home, she ran to her room to get her ball. “Where are all my toys? Mama, what did you do with them?”

“Mama stood at the door and smiled. “I gave them away just like I said I would. You didn't clean your room.”

Mindy flung herself on her bed and cried. She missed her stuffed animals. A few minutes later she wiped the tears away and that's when she saw something brown and furry behind her drawers. “Bunny. Mama missed you.” she pulled it out and hugged it.

From then on Mindy kept Bunny on her bed and not on the floor and when her mama asked her to do something, she did it.

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